2: Info Gathering

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After finishing a shower and getting dressed, I go in search of Micah. It's time we had a talk. I need information. Finding him sitting at the kitchen table eating cereal, I catch his eyes and nod towards the back door. Without hesitation, he stands and follows me outside. I make my way out to the pier that juts out into the lake behind our house in silence. We both wait until we're away from the house and prying eyes before starting our conversation.

Taking a seat at the end of the pier, I dangle my feet off the end, staring out at the still waters. I know what I'm about to ask of him will go against everything he has ever been taught, but I need to do this. Lucien needs me to do this.

As soon as he sits down beside me, I gather the courage to speak. "I know this is asking a lot, Micah. I really do. If you're not comfortable with it, I can try to ask Oliver."

When he tilts his head curiously, I turn and stare into his eyes. "I need to know everything you can tell me about werewolves."

He blinks back at me, "Like what?"

"Strengths, weaknesses, anything you can tell me."

He bites his lip and stares out into the distance, deep in thought. Taking a deep breath, he finally looks back at me. "Are you going to kill the pack?"

"I honestly don't know," I answer hesitantly, knowing he won't like the answer. When he continues to stare without a word, I release a deep sigh and try to elaborate. "I don't plan to kill them, no, but I can't promise that I won't. I need to know where the pack would keep prisoners. I need to know if they have Lucien." I turn to stare deep into his eyes again with zero remorse showing in my own. "If they have him, or if they hurt him... all bets are off."

He sighs quietly. "I honestly don't think that they have him, but I get that you have to check because of what they did that night. I don't know what my father was thinking. He never should have sided with the coven like that without getting more information. It was a stupid move on his part. Everyone else had no choice though."

I shoot him a questioning look, having no idea what he means.

"My father is the alpha of our pack. They have no choice but to do what he says. He made the decision. Everyone else was just following orders," He says quietly. "I was able to defy his orders because I have alpha blood. So does Emily."

"Does that mean you'll be the next alpha?"

Sadness briefly crossed his features, but he masks it quickly. "It's my birthright, but it'll never be mine. My fathers and the elders will never allow me to become alpha because I'm gay. The younger generation doesn't really care, but the older members... they care."

I silently lay my head on his shoulder, intertwining my fingers with his, feeling his pain over the way his family treats him for something he never had any control over.

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