Kageyama Tobio- The Tyrant Prince (Prince!Kageyama x Female!Reader)

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Fun fact: This oneshot is actually a narrative I turned in for school and converted into a reader-insert with Kageyama.

There was once a castle that rested where land met sea. It was grand, the city it governed prosperous. It was considered a thriving kingdom, it's ruler notoriously known for his vast wealth in knowledge. His wits had no end, ensuing a dominance that others feared. He carried the trust of every citizen, both noble and commoner, with pride and confidence.

However, despite the people's praise, no one admired the king as much as the young First Prince, Tobio.

It was at the age of three when the prince taught himself to read and understand language completely, four to write fluently with legible handwriting. A true prodigy fit for the title of Crown Prince, everyone remarked.

A fascinated young boy whose craving for knowledge had yet to be satiated, his father became his role model. The many feats of the current king sparked a burning desire in the boy. A desire to be a competent ruler that everyone put faith in, like the king. Spectating eyes filled with pure joy, he would watch his father from afar.

Sadly, his intelligence seemed to drive other children away. Intimidation not only came from his intellect, but the face he was born with. Along with dark hair and eyes the color of a clear sea, the unfortunate boy had a resting scowl on his face, often appearing frightening to others. Animals dared not cross him either.

It was at the age of eleven when he made his first friend.

The Crown Prince was studying as usual in the library he frequented when a bird flew in through the open window closest to him. He startled, dropping the pen that was once poised between his fingers. He stood from his seat and carefully crept to where the bird seemed to land. When his eyes fell to the bird sprawled over the ground he rushed to check over it. He held the bird in his hands but it barely shifted, only trembled slightly. The bird's coat of black feathers was soft against his palms. He cradled it with extra care, the expression on its face twisted.

He set the bird gently on the table next to his work. Relatively quickly, he found a gash on the underside of its right wing. He winced at the sight of the poor bird, promptly taking out a handkerchief he was always told to carry around. It wasn't long before the bird's wing was firmly wrapped under his family crest.

He opened the library door and flagged down one of the palace servants, requesting for water and a blanket. With the items and about an hour later, the bird was relaxed into the blanket and dozing softly.

Tobio grew curious. Although the bird not attempting to escape him is a wonder of its own, he had yet to learn what the breed of the bird was. Even with the library's knowledge of the species of birds, he couldn't find anything remotely similar to the one not far from his left. He stared, tapping his index finger against the table rhythmically. "What exactly are you?" he hummed. He left the library that night with a slice of bread sitting at the table with the bird.

When he returned early the next day the bird was no longer snoozing, but pittering around the table much more livelier than the previous day. The slice of bread was gone, too, its only remnants a few crumbs that scattered across the plate.

Tobio smiled, "Welcome back." The bird tilted its head to the left, the red of its pupils staring questioningly into Tobio's. "Bread?" He pulled a plate from behind his back and set it down. He watched as the bird made a dash towards the slices of toast and started pecking energetically at the pieces of food.

Pulling up a few books, he sat down at the table and began reading. Not even ten minutes later, the plate was empty and the bird was now pecking at Tobio's sleeve.

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