Akaashi Keiji- Refreshing

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The park seems a perfect place to relax and bring my focus off my current problems. Troubled under the mass of pressure my parents hold over my head, I long for an escape from my burdens.

When looked upon from outsiders, my parents would be deemed as perfectionists. Wanting the best for their child when it comes to academics, as well as pushing their child to their absolute best and even further.

To the point where it was no longer perfectionism.

Their attitude for their child's academics mutated into something more obsessive, something with highly irreversible standards. Their methods wouldn't be considered abuse- as a matter of fact, they made absolute sense- but their child would still suffer in some little way if test papers were less than perfect.

It was the mountainous expectations my parents had set for me. I could barely keep up, drowning in the sense of responsibility my parents had thrusted at me. Needing a break from the endless pressure exuding from my household, I find refuge at a park not too far from my home.

The sun is setting, painting the sky in a mellow tone of colors. The start of the evening left the park in a quietude of solace, providing a wonderful scene to aimlessly walk around in.

Although it's winter, I forget a proper covering during my inclination to unwind. I left the house hurriedly in only long sleeves and sweatpants. The frigid temperature finally catches up, and my shivering becomes apparent to my senses. Even through the uncomfortable predicament, I still wish to relish more time outside the confines of my obligations. I opt to walk at a slightly faster pace in order to keep what little warmth I still had.

Consumed in the thoughts I carry around as I stroll, the frosty weather remains in the back of my conscience. I mindlessly rub over the goosebumps on my arms as I ramble around the reticent park.

When I can no longer put off the cold, I ponder over returning home in my befuddled state of mind. Perhaps a few more moments could help to resurface some sort of lost focus. Though unconvinced I could escape this clouded state of mind, I roam around in the silence, dragging my feet as I walk.

"Um, excuse me."

I sharply turn my head towards the voice. I must've been too focused on my thoughts and the cold to notice footsteps coming closer. I stare at the figure, taking in their features as they continue.

"Are you cold?" the stranger asks apathetically, "you're in something very thin so I thought you would need this more than me." As my eyes trace over the jacket extending to me, I slowly look up to a pair of familiar gunmetal eyes. I can recall seeing them in my class. They belonged to Akaashi Keiji, the setter of our famous volleyball club.

The jacket in his hand is his volleyball jacket with our school name, Fukurodani, proudly written on the back. He's wearing a thick jacket of his own, and I can hardly read the expression on his face. I look at him with surprise, wonder writing over my features. "Oh, uh, thank you Akaashi-kun, but I hardly know you."

Akaashi's eyes linger on my shy gaze before sighing, "You shouldn't turn down a chance to keep warm with a reason like that, (Y/L/N)-san." He retracts his hand, but only before he hesitantly walks closer to me. Within moments, he tosses his arms over my head and gently drapes his jacket over my shoulders. He pulls the collar part of the jacket closer together and exhales in satisfaction. "So what are you doing freezing in the park?"

As he asks me that, I can't help but notice how delicate his eyes are looking at me. It's very faint, however, as I just barely miss it. I reflexively turn my head away in embarrassment, mumbling somewhat coherently, "I wanted to clear my head from the classwork we were assigned. I guess I forgot to bring my jacket."

Akaashi lets out a scoff, "What a dope."

I frown at the small insult, but then he presses his index finger in the center of my forehead.

"Don't frown, or else you'll get wrinkles," he snickers as my frown grows. "I'm kidding... but not really. Anyways, is that head of yours clear enough already?"

I give a small shrug, "Not really. I still don't feel like going home, either."

"Then let's watch the sunset." He sits down on the bench behind me, giving access to the wonderful setting of the warm sky.

I waver slightly. He lent me his jacket, I can't really say "no," can I? I take a seat down on the edge of the bench, a little too far from him. I startle when I hear shuffling on my left.

Akaashi scoots closer to me with a simple excuse, "There's a tree blocking my view."

I turn to what he's pointing at and there's a tree there, indeed. I slightly settle back into my seat after letting him scoot a little closer.

We can barely see the top of the sun peeking over the landscape as we silently watch it. His presence combined with the beautiful sunset seems to melt away the stress eating at my brain. I slowly turn to face him.

"Thank you," I sincerely speak, "for the jacket and the company."

The corners of his lips turn slightly upwards, "You're welcome. And thank you for the company, as well. You can return the jacket tomorrow if you'd like, just drop by the volleyball gym before clubs start."

I tilt my head, "Why can't I give it back to you when you leave?"

"I'm walking you home," he states, "why would I hold it in my arms when you don't have anything keeping you warm?" He shakes his head when I try to refuse, "The sun's down already, (Y/L/N)-san."

I can sense his committed gaze and I slowly nod at him. "Fine then, Akaashi-kun."

We finally stand up to walk to my house and I spend the whole time relishing the calm atmosphere we have between us.

Being around him is refreshing, I find.

Through the short time I spend with him, all the stress I've pent up seems to greatly decrease, the stress replaced by energy. I find it weird how big of an impact my classmate's presence has on my mood. "We're here Akaashi-kun. Thank you, again."

He nods and watches as I step to my doorstep. I hover my hand over my door and peek over my shoulder. Akaashi waves at me, "Take care (Y/L/N)-san."

I turn so that he can fully see the smile on my face. "I'll see you tomorrow, Akaashi-kun."

I step back into my house with newfound motivation. Sitting at my desk, I take a deep breath before my textbooks. Tomorrow couldn't come any faster, could it?

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