Oikawa Tōru- Lost to Her

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This is a Hanahaki AU, so beware of angst. Also, Reader is Iwaizumi Hajime's younger sibling.

How did I lose...? How did I lose, when he was by my side the whole time? How did I lose him to her? How did I lose despite always being there?

And why...? Why can't I do anything about it?

My lungs start to restrict, and my airways start to clog up. The lack of oxygen causes me to cough violently, but not without screaming in pain.

Behind the school and away from the mass of students, I cower on my knees feeling my body grow weaker. A pool of bloodied flowers piles in front of me.

The pain is unbearable. My throat burns with every cough. But in order to sustain the suffocation inside, I can only endure. My heart throbs strongly in my chest, rendering my vital senses null. The unstoppable torrent of tears adds to the muddled blur in my vision.

It hurts. It hurts so much. It hurts, but why does seeing him with her hurt ten times more?

Unwilling to go back to class, I head to the nurse's office before I run into my brother, Hajime, or even worse, Oikawa and his girlfriend.

Barely a week ago, Oikawa announced to both Hajime and me about the new relationship he started. My heart fell, but it did every time he told us the same news. It was especially bad timing, too.

I pocketed the love letter written in vain that was in my hand.

Hajime rolled his eyes in disinterest, "Okay, Trashykawa."

"Hey! Give a better response than that, Iwa-chan!" Oikawa whined, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Don't break her heart, Tooru," I gave him the same response I always used whenever Oikawa started something new.

He smiled, "I won't."

Right then and there I already noticed something different about this new relationship. He didn't shrug off my response like he did with his exes, and his smile was so genuine. I couldn't do anything but shrug off the nagging feeling.

When I woke up the next morning I had done a successful job of forgetting the small jealousy. However, that moment of ignorant bliss was short lived.

Oikawa had just introduced his girlfriend, Haruki, to me and sent her off. I could only smile, wearing happiness for them as a mask to hide my silent tears.

"Tooru, was she the one who confessed to you first?"

Oikawa didn't hesitate to shake his head, "Nah, I confessed to her."

I felt my breathing turn uneven. I stop walking in front of my classroom, unable to stand talking with him any further. I force a smile to my lips before entering the classroom, "Um, I'm happy for you, Tooru. I'll see you later."

"Wait, (Y/N)," I feel him tug on my arm and I flinch from the contact. "Isn't your classroom down there?"

"O-Oh yeah. You're right. S-Sorry, I'll be on my way, then." I do a quick bow and scurry to release from his grip, feeling my throat start to become itchy at a terribly fast pace.

That was the day I coughed out my first petal.

It was pretty clear that I had Hanahaki Disease. I was in my bedroom, coughing out the nonstop appearance of flowers littered with my blood.

I heard a knock at my door that startled me, "(Y/N)? Are you okay?"

It was Hajime.

"I'm coming in," he declared.

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