When Darkness Surrounds

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Darkness surrounds me...
        like an unending sea of despair
        it sweeps across my world
        it cloaks me in an ominous blanket
        strangling the life, the light of joy from my soul
        that fills my heart, my soul hiding the private hell locked within.

Yet though I slowly sink into this sea of darkness
There is a hand pulling me away,
        rescuing me from my hell.
There is an arm strong with compassion,
        that pulls the blankets stifling my spirit away.
There is a face composed beautifully of love
        that breathes the life back into my soul.

This hand gentle and caring,
This arm compassionate and strong,
And this face so full of love,
        are the only things that can save me from the ravages
                of the hell locked within my soul.

don't ever let go...

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