chapter 1:Entry with Disappearance

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Hello, this is my first story that i started to write. Hope you guys like it. If there any suggestions, feel free to write in comments. If there any mistake sorry for that, in coming chapters i will try to decrease the mistake. Now story time.

When birds and sparrows started to eat the foods from a basket, hanging on the balcony. Mr sun coming up to wake up the whole Chennai City. Geetha cooking breakfast for her lovable son who came late from work late night and still sleeping. Plus, he couldn't sleep peacefully at night because of he broke one innocent heart at the same night. Suddenly, the doorbell sound which is hit our hero from waking up from bed. 

Geetha: vaa Raksha, come inside. 

Rakshan: Good morning ma. I came here to see Vishwa.

Geetha: Athuthan Theriyume. Iru avan ennum wake up pannala....

Vishwa: ...( Vishwa entered to hall and interupted Geetha) Good morning da Raksha

When saying that he entered to kitchen and making coffee. suddenly Geetha ma came and hit him.

Geetha: First go brush your teeth and bath. Then can drink your coffee. (ordering him)

Vishwa listened to his mother and went inside his room for get ready for his work. 

After 10 minutes, 

Vishwa opened his wardrobe and take his uniform and wear it. At that time, Rakshan entered his room.

Rakshan: Dei machan, After yesterday's incident is Maya called you??? 

Vishwa: (irritated).... Ille. 

Rakshan: Machan tell the truth!

Vishwa: Dei... yesterday you also there right?? After that, she didn't call me!!!

Rakshan: OK. 

Vishwa: Why you asked me that??? ( curiously)

Rakshan: nothing. Just asked you. 

Vishwa find out Rakshan is hiding something. At the same time, Sarath entered Vishwa's room even didn't knock the door. He was very shocked about a news he heard from Rakshan. When Rakshan coming to Vishwa's house he called Sarath and told the news and asked him come to Vishwa's house Immediately' That's why Sarath was in shocked and didn't bath also.

Sarath: Dei Raksha.. Unmaiyele Maya.....( before finishing Rakshan signal him not to tell)

Vishwa was terrified that something happened to Maya.

Vishwa: Ennachi??? ... Maya ku.......

Rakshan onnum..... ( before finishing Vishwa Interupted)


Sarath: Machan Maya is missing from yesterday night..

Rakshan: After meeting us she didn't go to house. When Shakti went to Maya's house this morning,  her mother( Deepa) informed that Maya didn't come yesterday night. Maya's father was died 15 years back because of heart attack.  After that, Shakti called me and told Maya is missing. That's why i came here to ask whether she called you or not.

Vishwa: DEI.. ille da ava ennaku call pannala. Why her  informed now?? if Maya didn't come yesterday night Deepa ma should call her right??

Rakshan: Before meeting you, she informed that she won't come today she will stay with Megala because  of work. That's why Deepa ma didn't called her. 


Sarath: I called her and she said she didn't come to her house. She spoke to Maya yesterday before meeting you regarding your matter. I already informed our control room to track Maya's phone number and scooty as well.

Vishwa was totally broken into pieces. He was remembering what and how aggressively talk to her yesterday night. Rakshan was seeing him and asked

Rakshan: You loved her right??(doubtly)

Vishwa: EN MUDHAL KADHAL DA AVA!!! ( brokenly)

Rakshan: Then why da.... Yesterday you talked like that to her.

Suddenly, Sarath's phone is ringing, caller ID "control room" he picked up and shocked after hearing the caller informed. 

This is end of chapter one. Hope you guys like it. If there anything i want to change means please feel free to comment. Thank you.

Precap: Maya's mother was shattered after hearing Vishwa's Talks 

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