"What school did you graduate from?" She randomly questioned, causing Wilmer to furrow his eyebrows and sit up straight in his seat.

"Excuse me?"

"What college did you graduate from? Where did you get your degree?" She repeated, as if he were illiterate.

"Columbia...here in New York. I graduated top ten in my class," Wilmer answered as Demi nodded.

"I was just wondering because your English isn't very proper, but I just thought that it was because of your accent," she said with a shrug of her shoulders.

"I'm not from America," he responded, and if he wasn't mistaken, he could've sworn that he heard her whisper obviously under her breath.

Not wanting to offend her, even if she had offended him, he bit his tongue and exited the office. He didn't want to jump to conclusions, but the articles he read about her having a bitchy side that overpowered her personality sometimes seemed to be more true than not.

She exited her office a few minutes later with her iPad in hand and her lips pressed into a thin line. It was business time. He had no choice but to follow after her so he did, and they walked all through the studio until they entered a plush conference room where all of her employees were waiting. They instantly perked up as soon as she entered the room, sitting up straighter, eyes growing bigger, and attention diverted to her and her only. Not even the cameras set up in the room could break their focus.

"When I walked in, you people were a mess. I didn't train you to act like that in times of stress or crisis. I trained you to be calm and collected, because at any time, someone could walk in here, and you are never to be off of your game. New York Fashion Week starts in exactly a week, and we will be prepared. I ask a lot of you, all of the time, but you have not failed me so do not start now. We are a team. Even though it's my name that's out there, we are a team. We built this company up together and we will all be there when it rises to the top. So calm down, get to work, and keep me updated. Thank you."

He expected it to be different. He expected her to be screaming at them and yelling at them and firing people left and right, because the place really had been chaotic this morning and anyone who walked in there probably would've walked right back out. But she wasn't. She was encouraging. She was hopeful. She made them all feel like they were a part of the big picture, like they were her dream team and without them she could accomplish nothing.

A thunderous applause broke out in the room and one side of Demi's mouth curled up into a half smirk, one that made her seem even more mysterious than before. Were her words genuine, or was she just trying to get her employees back to work so that her show wouldn't be a mess?

The rest of the day was kind of...boring. They got employee interviews about how of an amazing boss she was. No one seemed to complain about her. One girl nearly cried when she told the story of how Demi gave her a promotion to help her pay for her sister's chemotherapy and sent weekly care packages to the hospital to lift her spirits.

"People who don't even know her judge her so much, and just assume that she's some cold hearted bitch because of how she looks or how she seems to act, but she's not. She's got a lot of heart and she's helped us all, just in different ways," the girl had said with a thankful smile on her face. Wilmer had called cut and dismissed her to go back to work while he pondered over what he had heard. There really was so many sides to her, it was almost unbelievable.

"Nick is coming back from Europe today." Demi suddenly appeared in front of him, snapping him out of his trance. He responded to her statement with a nod, even though he wasn't planning on getting footage of her at home today.

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