Azur and Crimson (Part 3)

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(a/n: I just realized I didn't give a description on what the 2 commanders looks like. Lmao. though they will irrelevant later. I'll also put in some reference from the anime.)8

Jasper POV

It has been over 5 hours ever since we left the base. The ocean was calm and soothing but yet, I can't help that I sense a storm will suddenly appear. Currently I'm at the bow of Enterprise's ship. Thankfully, she was happy that I was using her ship. Don't why, but who cares? 

"I'll ask Akashi to build me a command ship." I muttered to myself. I was stiff and a bit nervous. I said about how I will not let any of my girls be sunk but at the back of my mind, I feel like one of my girls might die here and I couldn't save them. Ironic, isn't? Last time, I tried to save someone, they died before I can even save them.

"Dammit. Cayde, I miss you bud." I thought. Then a hand touched my shoulder.

"Commander? You're a bit stiff, right now." The voice said. I turned around to see Enterprise giving me a worried look.

"S-Sorry, it's just that I'm nervous right now. I made my speech and yet here I am being afraid." I confessed.

"What are you afraid about?" She asked.

"Afraid that I might lose you girls. I promise to Vestal that I won't let any of you girls die but I have a bad feeling something will prevent me from doing that." I answered. She hugged me tightly.

"I doubt that will happen. You have trained all of us to be stronger and be more aware about our surroundings." She commented.

"You may never know, Enterprise. Sometimes not even I can change an outcome." I replied. She stopped hugging me.

"Jeez, Commander. You should not look at the negative outcome and look into more of the positive outcome. We will win this battle and I'm sure no one is going to die." She assured me. I chuckled.

"Yeah...yeah. I guess you're right. I'll radio my concern to everyone." I said.

"Uh...Commander?" Cleveland said on the radio.

"Yeah?" I said.

"You know, your radio was on the whole time right?" She asked.


"Servant, everyone has heard about your concerns. But the Royal Navy will never falter until our last dying breath." Elizabeth came in to the mix.

"Shikikan, I thank you for your concern but do not worries about us. The Sakura Empire fleet is something that shouldn't be underestimate." Nagato chimed in. I was embarassed.

"...This is embarrassing. But...I will try to trust all of you to come out in one piece." I said.

"A fine choice, Shikikan." Amagi said.

"If you're worried, maybe Onee-san can come there and pamper you~" Atago radioed. I blushed a bit.

"A-Atago!" Takao radioed. Everyone laughed. The mood is getting better. But try as I might, I know something will eventually happen. Good or bad. 


3RD POV Crimson Axis

"Nee-sama, do you think Amagi nee-sama made it?" Kaga asked as they wait patiently for the Azur Lane Fleet to arrive.

"I don't know, Kaga." Akagi answered. "Maybe or maybe not."

"Was it a wise choice to stick with Shikikan? Teaming up with the Sirens again?" Kaga questions.

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