Chapter 15

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This is Andrew.
The water was cool and felt good compared to the humid air. Every one thought I would be hesitant to jump in, but oh were they wrong. I was a camp girl. Not really summer camp, but woods are my thing.

We probably stayed for two hours before Scarlett complained her fingers looked like prunes.

"I just don't want them to be all wrinkly for forever." she complained.

Sage and I rolled our eyes, but got out anyways and followed her back to the cabin. When we got back, I hopped in the shower and tried to get the dirt and mud out of my hair. Brown water poured down me, but eventually it became clear again.

I turned the water off and hopped out to the changing area. I got dressed in my favorite yellow, lightweight tank top and dark blue shorts that stopped mid-thigh. The mirror in the bathroom was taller than me, which I might add is not very hard, so I could see myself from head to toe. My red hair was in tangles and dripping wet.

I took my hairbrush and started ripping through my hair. By the time I was done my head was throbbing and the water that landed on my face from my hair looked like tears. At least my hair was tangle free. I broke my hair into three pieces and braided it to the side. The only hairstyle, except ponytails, I knew how to do.

I grabbed my phone and looked at my notifications. I had ten text messages from Scarlett and Sage.

Aspen. Hurry up! -Sage
We need to talk to you! -Sage
ASPEN!!!!!!!! -Scarlett
Guess you just don't want to play BS. -Sage.

I grabbed my bags and ran to the door, but it came back, smacking me square in my face.

"Ow!" I yelled. I rubbed my sore nose and sat on the bathroom floor.

"No my book!" it was a guy's voice. I saw the door open slightly and a boy with brown hair and glasses popped his head around. "I don't mean to come into the girls bathroom, but I just needed to be sure you're alright."

"I, I'm fine. Yeah. No need to worry," I said. It was unlike me to stumble over my words.

The guy sat there for a little while longer and stared at me. It felt really awkward so I decided to break the silence.

"You might wanna get out of the girls bathroom before a councilor comes." I said laughing .

His face got red and he hopped back up and disappeared behind the door. I got back up and grabbed my things off the floor. I waited for a few seconds to make sure the door wouldn't hit me in the face again. I decided it was safe so I walked toward it, but, with my luck, the door flew open centimeters from hitting my face. Outside the door was Sage and Scarlett.

"Are you alright?" Asked Sage.

"We heard you scream," said Scarlett.

I rolled my eyes at them and walked out of the bathroom. "I'm fine. This guy just knocked into the door and made it hit my face. He apologized." I replied as we walked to our cabin.

"Would this guy happen to have glasses?"

"And brown hair?"

"Blue eyes?"

"Complained about a book?"

"Yes to all of the above." I replied to them.

Behind me they squealed and started whispering. I turned around and looked at them, but they stopped whispering so I didn't know what they were saying.

They're up to something. I'm gonna find out what it is.

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