Chapter 12

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Scarlett's question was strange. Why would she wanna know why I don't date? I just don't. She's a little nosy, but I have to admit she's growing on me.

The first day was kinda cool, but I was reading my AP science book the whole time. I've always said since eighth grade to freshman summer: it's better to get it done now than never. I was forced to jump into the freezing cold pool by Scarlett and Sage. I could have sworn I was never going to feel warmth again in my body.

That night Scarlett and Sage were being really jumpy, but I was too focused on my book to care much. Science was the worst class to have summer homework, because it's the worst class to attend. I wish I could just skip that class and get an A anyways.

That night I was sitting in my bed reading the last of my book, while Scarlett and Sage were sitting together whispering. Every once in a while they would look over at me, but would shortly go back to whispering.

I finished my book and made my way over to where the other girls were. I sat down quietly, so they wouldn't hear me. They had their backs to me and obviously didn't know I was behind them. I leaned forward and had my head inches from in-between theirs.

"Hey!" I said hastily as I popped in-between them. Sage fell off the bed and Scarlett just slapped the back of my head.

"Not cool," said Sage brushing herself off.

"I've been told that a couple of times," I replied with a smirk on my face. "So what were you guys so urgently talking about?"

"Nothing. And it's summer no one likes the big vocab talk." Said Scarlett poking my shoulder.

It obviously wasn't nothing, but I wasn't going to prod at them. To be honest I had no interest. If it was about me, then that was their problem. I've taught myself to just let those things not bother me. Now if it was to my face, I was going to go off. The strongest football player on my school's team is scared of my temper.

"So," said Scarlett. "Whats that book you've been reading about?"

I was a little confused. A girl like Scarlett has never asked me that before. Has she even picked up a book? "Um, well, it's about the worst subject on the face of the Earth. Science. So boring stuff like cells and atoms, but worst of all the parts of the body. I mean it's not like I-"

"Ok bored already. Rule number one: no talking about school!" Scarlett said holding up her index finger.

Then I will have nothing to talk about. I sat in silence as I listened to the girls talk about Sage's crush, Nathan. It seemed like Sage had never ending knowledge about him. They talked and talked until we had to go to bed.

I got under my covers and waited for sleep to come. I was close to sleep when I heard voices and footsteps. They were Sage and Scarlett.

What are they doing? I thought.

I propped up on my elbows and saw them putting black clothes on. When they were both dressed, they snuck out without a sound. I got up and put my converse on real quick. I started to make my way to the door when one of my cabin mates grabbed my arm.

"Where are you going?" I scrunched my eyes to see who it was. Sabrina Cult. The daughter of that bastard who almost lost my family thousands.

"Bathroom," I lied snatching my arm from her grasp.

"Why? It's three in the morning. Wait!" She said a little too loud. I widened my eyes at her to hint her that there were other people on the room as well. "My dad had a case with your family! Didn't he?"

"Yeah. And your bastard of a father almost lost us thousands and still had us pay." I whispered.

"Well I will not take that to offense right now. Because I too need to use the bathroom, but," she stood up and got close to my face. "You will regret it later."

Her face went from threatening to sweet in almost no time flat, and she waltz out of the cabin.

"Are you coming?" She asked in her signature honey sweet voice.

"Yeah." I mumbled rolling my eyes. My plan was thrown drown the drain because of Sabrina.

What are they doing?

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