Chapter 13

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I follow Scarlett along a road through the woods. Soon we come to a small swing that looks to old to hold us but we sit anyways and wait.

I hate lying to Aspen, although it didn't seem to bother Scarlett. She seems to think we aren't lying, and that we we're doing something good for her. I can't believe this, but I went along with it because it means seeing Nathan.

And then there he is. His blonde hair is messed up from the wind and his dark eyes are alert and beautiful. Then I realize he is speaking

"So Scarlett, why did you want me to come here?" He asks in his amazing voice. I could listen to him speak all day.

Shit. I'm turning into one of those girls.

"Wellllll..... Aspen-doesn't-have-a-boyfriend-and-I-think-one-of-your-friends-might-be-good-for-her-because-he's-cute-and-smart-which-is-what-Aspen-wants-so-we-should-set-them-up" says Scarlett so fast I can barely register what she said.

Apparently so did Nathan. But he got the just of it.

"So you want to set up Aspen and Andrew? That's cool I guess. So where do I come in?" He asks.

Keep talking. Talk forever.


"Well obviously you have to get them around each other a lot and talking about school and books and smart stuff! But that shouldn't be hard considering that every time Sage sees you, you have to stay until she wakes from fainting."

My face goes pink . Then red.

How dare she.

Then I see Nathan. He's smiling at me like I'm the cutest thing when I'm mad.

I sallow my anger. Or try to.

"Alright I'm heading back... Stay here as long as you want." Says Scarlett winking and once again I'm red. But I do stay for a bit.

I look around and realize how pretty it is. We are in a clearing in the woods and the night is so clear that the stars are everywhere. I hear a creek near bye and the wind whistles in the trees.

I turn to say goodbye to Nathan and suddenly soft lips are on mine. I gasp a little and I feel him smile against my lips.

I have never been kissed before. I had always imagined what it would be like to kiss Nathan Collins.

I had imagined strong and passionate but this was soft and careful. It matched our surroundings carefully.

He finally releases me and walk away without saying a word.

I wonder back to my cabin and carefully open the screen door. Then someone grabs me from behind and dragged me into the bathroom.

I stand up to see Aspen and Scarlett. Then I realize there is also Sabrina and 3 of her 'friends'.

"So where did you guys plan to sneak out to tonight?" Asks Sabrina.

Scarlett smiles but remains silent. Aspen looks panicked, but quite and I try to appear relaxed.

"Well?" She says.

"I have the right to remain silent. You should know that considering who your daddy is." Says Scarlett in a smart ass tone.

Sabrina looks pissed to say the least. Her eyes narrow "Fine. But I'll get you before this summer is over. You all are just losers that wish you were like us." She smiles.

Aspen snorts, "Why would I want to be an idiot?" She exclaims.

Scarlett smiles at me. And Sabrina just flips her hair and leaves.

I high five Aspen. "Nice comeback!" I say. But her face is serious.

"Where did you two go tonight?" She asks

I sigh and look at Scarlett. "Just to this clearing that Scarlett wanted to show me. She is going to show you tomorrow. Now I'm tired. Good night!"

I walk out and into the cabin where i lay down and fall asleep

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