Chapter 14

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Picture of Asher above.
I am planning a party.

Like every good party I wasn't going to tell anyone until I thought it was perfect.

Of course there would be alcohol, guys, and music. It would be on a Friday night. The only problem is, where to have it.

In the meantime we are going on a hike today, in a gross creek.

I like camp, but muddy water that has probably been peed in... No.

Sage on the other hand looks psyched.

She immediately jumps in the creek laughing. "Come on! The water won't bite!" She says.

Aspen jumps right in and went under the water with a joyful scream. Sage ducks under after her and I could no longer see her.

I look around. There was a ton of people jumping and splashing. Then I heard a scream.

I whip around to only see Aspen's legs above the water and Sage pops back up laughing.

Aspen stands up her face was red and at first I thought she was angry.

Then she bursts out laughing and I can't help laugh too. They both look ridiculous. They are soaked and their hair is messed up. Then I feel 2 hands on my back and cold water engulfs me. I push off the bottom of the creek and brake through the surface gasping to see Nathan's friend.

He is a jock looking guy with brown hair and blue eyes that stood 6 inches taller than me.

He smirks looking at me. "Wow. You look hot." He says.

"Asshole! I'll get you back. I don't even know you!" I say laughing.

He is dry, so he doesn't want to get in, yet he keeps pushing people in. "I'm Asher by the way." I scoff and swim away so he can't see me.

Then I pop up and get out, silently stalking him as he scans the water for me.

I creep up behind him and kick his butt.

For a second I thought he wasn't going to fall because he is teetering on the edge. Then gravity win and he belly flops onto the water.

Aspen and Sage are laughing their asses off when Asher emerges. He glares at me in amusement. "Oh... You'll pay for that." He pushes my leg out from under me and I fall into the creek again.

I decide to stop flirting with Asher temporarily and swim over to Aspen and Sage.

"You should have seen his face when you pus-" suddenly Sage disappears under water.

I duck under and open my eyes to see Nathan and Sage kissing. If you could call it that.

Their lips are hardly even touching. And there is no tongue action at all.

I roll my eyes and swim back up.

"What happened?" Asks Aspen.

"Nathan's lips were lonely." I shrug.

Aspen makes a disgusted face but at that moment Sage pops back up.

Her eyes are bright and her cheeks are flushed.

Then Nathan emerges behind her and grabs her ass.

She squeals and spins around punching his shoulder. "Ah ah ah!" She sad shaking her head.

He makes a pouty lip. "Pwetty pwease." He asks in a baby voice.

"No!" She says laughing and spins back to look at us.

Nathan grabs her again and she turns to glare at him.

He just rolls his eyes and swims off toward a group of girls.

Aspen and Sage are in a deep discussion about something so I duck out saying I need to pee and follow Nathan.

He is talking to a group of girls and his hands are under water... Right beside slut.

My eyes narrow and I duck under water.

My jaw tightens.

Nathan is grabbing Sluts ass.

I tap his shoulder and he spins around. "Can I speak to you?" I ask.

"Sure." Says Nathan as he follows me to a private corner.

There I slap him.

"What the fuck was that for!" He almost yells

"Grabbing another girls ass!" I say smartly.

His face goes blank.

"If I catch you again I'm telling Sage and Aspen. Did you know Aspen 'convinced' the heaviest and strongest football player at her school to confess to cheating on his girlfriend? Or that Sage dug up some stuff about a bully at her school that got that bully Expelled? Trust me... We can make your life a living hell." I finish and turn around.

I swim away, after seeing the look on his face.


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