Prologue: Warping Problem

Start from the beginning

It was bright enough to capture the attention of everyone in the place.

* * *

"Aaaahhhh!" The portal dropped us in a strange place. The grimm was dizzy as it landed on the ground.

The grimm was the first to get out of the portal, followed by Lupin and me.

*cough* "What was that?" Lupin stood up with the support of his weapon.

I killed the Ursa with my shotgun while I was in midair and landed on the ground afterwards.

"Phew." I sigh in relief and then, I chuckled. "Haha, you almost got killed back there you idiot." I showed a faint grin as I stood up to get a clear view of my surroundings.

"Now, where are we?" I said.

Lupin tapped my shoulders twice. "Uh...hey Theo? What are those?" He pointed to his left. He's in a shocked state that even his mouth was open.

I shifted my head to see what he was pointing at.

I was also shocked by what I saw. In the distance, there are several armored beings with shining blades on their gauntlets fighting against a horde of beasts with some sort of blades above them.

There are also those spider like vehicles attacking the beast as if they're easy prey.

"What are those things? Where ARE we?" I said as I observed the battle in front of us.

We heard a strange sound behind us. As we turn around, we were surrounded by several snake-like beasts with a bizzare looking mouth.

I prepared myself for any attacks that may come from these strange beast in front of us.

"Well, that's not grimm. And we're surrounded." Lupin used his weapon and pointed it towards the beast.

"Wow, thanks for stating the obvious." I said.

The snake-like beasts' neck opened and then, attacked us with several spikes.

We weren't expecting a ranged attack so, I activated my semblance. A teal colored barrier encased us inside and deflected the beast's attacks.

They all attacked simultaneously, which left no openings.

"Tsk! I can't hold it for much longer." I was struggling at keeping their attacks at bay. My barrier is starting to crack and fall apart.

I was already tired and weary from the battle against the Grimms earlier.

"Hold on, I'll take care of them." Lupin pointed his weapon on the ground as he activated his semblance, preparing to strike.

But before we started our counter attack, some of the snake-like creatures were pierced by the same shiny blades we saw earlier.

Our enemy's attention shifted to the newly arrived armored beings. They killed several of the snake creatures and fought them evenly.

The armored beings won. I deactivated my barrier, hoping that they're allies and can understand human language.

I was weakening. I have used a lot of my aura and stamina.

After their battle, they saw us. They all look at each other in silence until we heard a voice.

"Make way my brethren!" It was a strange voice.

The armored beings dispersed in front of us to make way from the one that talked just now.

The one that spoke approached us. He was wearing a golden armor. He has no mouth and his eyes were blue in color. It was glowing.

"Humans? Why are there humans on this planet?" He said.

We were confused. I asked him a question.

"Who are you?" I asked.

He stood in front of us and spoke "Greetings, I am Tassadar. I'm here to rescue our brethren, Dark Prelate Zeratul until we met you."

"Huh?" I said. Lupin and I looked at each other. We were still confused.

"Well then, this is no place to have a conversation, why don't you come with us? I'm sure no one here wants to remain in this place." He said. "Oh, since your kind consumes a different kind of replenishment, I'll ask Raynor to save some for you after we evacuate this place. For now, we must move on."

"Alright." I say in response. Lupin supported me and placed my hand on his shoulder.

While we marched, we reached their destination.

"Hey Tassadar, who're those guys?" A vehicle with a man's voice that sounded like radio stopped nearby while fighting several of those beasts.


Author's Note

Hey guys, this is my 1st story about the show called RWBY. I added my friend's character @Leone_Ace at his request. He goes by the name of Lupin Fulgaras in this story. The descriptions, ideas and anything that describes Lupin is his idea.

The story will start from RWBY volume 1 up to the latest volume. And in Starcraft 1, it will be staged in the part where Aldaris and the newly appointed Executor chases Tassadar for his "said" betrayal. In short, a mission called "The Hunt for Tassadar."

I'm gonna put some "slight and major" changes and will mostly focus on the MC and his friend's side. I mean, you guys already know what happens in the original show and the game right? That's all for now. Well then, have fun you guys!

"Strap yourselves in boys. This is gonna be a long ride."

P.S. Pic used as my MC in this story is not mine.

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