Lunch W/ the Mukamis Pt .2

Start from the beginning

"I'll try to sit as far away as possible but I should still be within Tele range so if you need anything just ring."  He joked as he made his way further away from me. The pain subsiding to a dull annoying burn. 

"Thanks Amos." I sat down placing Azu's tray in front of him as our conversation died down. "Here Azu. I got you two milks. If you can't finish them both during lunch sneak it out and drink it later. Also I got you mochi instead of dango." I told him quieting down as I realized all of the brothers were looking at me. "I wanted to try some of them so I was hoping we could trade some of our dessert." I spoke out a little more timidly feeling the weird atmosphere around me.

"Yeah sure (N/n)-chan." Azu smiled and took a skewer of dango. He picked up his plate holding it out so I could grab the ones I wanted. I grabbed two of them. (Just pick your fav flavors) 

"Usa-chan? Why did you let that guy put his hands all over you?" Kou asked sounding upset. I turned away from Azusa and looked towards the angry blonde. He looked calm but I could tell he was barely holding it together. 

"Kou.. he didn't have his hands all over me. He's just a friend anyway." I stated trying to calm the blonde. 

"Does he know that? Because I think it's obvious that he doesn't." He growled. Woah this is a new side of Kou. He's always been sweet and flirty. I guess jealousy doesn't look good on him. I'll have to deal with this before it gets too out of hand.

"Well I guess he doesn't, but Kou...sweetie if you want my attention you're gonna have to learn how to share it. I don't mind a little bit of possessiveness every now and then as long as you remember I don't belong to anyone." I said as I grabbed his chin bringing our faces close to each other. Our lips inches apart. I watched as the anger left his eyes and a more familiar emotions settled there. Hunger. Lust. Good I'd much rather deal with those than angry possessiveness. I moved away from him as he looked down at my lips. I not gonna give him the the chance to kiss me after that little tantrum.

I looked at the boys surrounding me. Ruki looked at me like normal. Like he has zero fucks to give. Azusa gave me a small smile and Yuma held my gaze before getting up to take his tray to the trash. Was he smirking as he left? Is my eyesight okay?

I turned my attention towards my cold food and finished it off in silence. I took a bite out of my last piece of dango when the blonde beside me finally decided to speak up again. 

"Usa-chan.." he rang out, tugging on my sleeve when I pretended to ignore him. "Usa-channn. Pay attention to mee." He whined. 

"Yes love? What can I do for you?" I teased as I looked towards him. He turned away attempting to hide the blush on his cheeks. 

"Tease" Kou mumbled.

"What was that love?" I asked knowing exactly what I was doing to him. He turned back towards me his playboy mask back in place. 

"I said your such a tease Usa-chan. You keep teasing me in a place where I can't do anything about it. How about we head to the roof and we can see just what your teasing is gonna get you."

"Hmm sounds spicyy, but no thank you. I'm enjoying myself right where I am." He looked surprised that I actually rejected his offer. 

"See such a tease Usa-chan." He playfully pouted. 

"Okay I guess I'll quit since it bothers you so much." I stated jumping out of my playful mood. I turned my attention back towards Azusa, who didn't seem to mind sharing my attention. "Azu you want the last bit of my dango? I'm full but I don't want to waste it." I asked. He smirked at me realizing my true intentions. He looked across to his brother and opened his mouth waiting for me to feed it to him. I fed it to him and giggled as he happily munched on it. 

"Usa-chan you're supposed to be cute with me." Kou whined into my ear as he leaned in towards me. 

"But you called me a tease when I was being cute with you.. I don't know what you want from me." I confessed sending him a mischievous smile. He frowned at me letting out a sigh. "Okay. I'll be cutsie with you when I feel like it, but I'll tone it down a bit. Cool?" He grinned and nodded at me. Now that that's settled.

I started to gather up the trash on the table when Ruki cleared his throat from across the table."Why are you acting like that towards them when y'all aren't even together? You barely even know them yet you're acting like you're gonna let them fuck you. Stop playing around with them." Ruki fumed as he glared at me from across the table. 

"Well to be frank Ruki, Kou's a playboy so he's just getting a taste of his own medicine. That's not the only reason I'm friendly with him though, he's cute and I like his personality, even though I've only seen a few parts of it. I'd like to be friends with him, but if he wants to be flirty friends so be it. Now Azu, he seems so sweet and he was the first friend I made here that offered to be there for me if I needed it. He's just too damn adorable not to be cute with." I paused to take a quick breath before continuing.

"I'm not ashamed of my actions. Kou can do the same thing I'm doing, but it's okay for him to do it since he's a guy right? If I do it though it's considered shameful because I'm a girl? Damn I thought we were in the 21st century guess the fuck not." I went off as I leaned back in my chair forgetting all about gathering my trash. I kept my voice down as to not make a scene but I let my emotions leak into my words. The few tables close to us had turned around to listen to my rant. After finishing I waved them off and sighed running my fingers through my hair. Damn Ruki getting me all work up. I done went and gave myself a fucking headache.

* Okayy chapter's over guysss. Please vote and comment! Thanks for reading. I hope y'all enjoyed reading it and much as I did writing it. Have fun love.*

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