Chapter XIII: Took Away

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Shuhua POV

Why is it so dark?

Where am I?

Am I dreaming?

Or is this a nightmare?

All that I can remember was a bright light coming towards me..

Third Person POV

That night, a fast vehicle was travelling down the road. A girl crossed the road suddenly that the vehicle didn't even had the chance to step on the breaks.


Shuhua was immediately delivered at the emergency room in the nearest hospital. Her head bled badly because it hit the ground very hard and the doctors treated it quickly.

She was temporarily staying in the ICU and was observed by the nurses and doctors.

Meanwhile, the driver of the vehicle was nowhere to be seen. Unfortunately, there were no cctv cameras that can lead them to the reckless driver.

Days passed..

Miyeon came to the hospital and finally found Shuhua. She looked everywhere for Shuhua after that night but she can't find her.

That day, Shuhua was already stable and she wasn't in the ICU anymore. Instead she was admitted into a room where her friends can visit her.

Miyeon thanked the nurse and stood beside Shuhua's bed. Bandages around Shuhua's head, tubes that supply her oxygen, that's what Miyeon saw that made her tear up.

She knows it's her fault.

She was angry at herself because she can't even protect the girl she loves.

She was guilty because she knows that what she said should be remained unsaid unless it was true.

Her knees began to weaken and she held the hand of the unconscious girl.

"I'm sorry. I know it's my fault. I was just carried away and didn't want you to get hurt."

She wiped her tears.

"But here, what happened to you was worse than what I thought."

Shuhua was still sound asleep, breathing steadily.

"I'm sorry Shushu.."


Miyeon texted Yuqi, Minnie and Soojin.

Yuqi came first, she was with Soyeon.

"Miyeon!" She quickly hugged Miyeon whose sadness were drawn all over her face.

Yuqi loosened the hug. "How is she?" Then went beside Shuhua and held her hand.

"The nurse said she was.."


Soyeon patted Miyeon's shoulder to lighten her a bit.


Yuqi's eyes widened, she sighed as she looked at her big 'sister' who's sleeping peacefully. "Your wrist wasn't fully healed and you're here" She caressed the bandaged wrist of Shuhua. "Just rest unnie, you have gone through many h-hardships, this will be e-easy for you.." Yuqi said between her sobs, while using her thumb to caress Shuhua's hand.

Soyeon went beside Yuqi and patted her back. "She's strong Yuqi, don't cry, if she saw you crying she will probably laugh at your face." Soyeon tried to light up the mood.

Miyeon smiled a bit. Yuqi glared at Soyeon and smacked the smaller girl's arm softly. "Are you comforting me or just teasing me?"

"Just kidding, your sister's strong okay? She probably won't like seeing you crying because of her." Soyeon gave Yuqi an reassuring smile.

"I'll just go out for a bit. Please take care of her while I'm gone." Miyeon excused to the couple.

The two just nodded.

Miyeon looked at Shuhua one last time before going out of the room.

"I'm sorry.." She whispered and left


Miyeon POV

I walked down the hallway and saw Minnie rushing towards me.

"Are you okay? Where's Shuhua??" Minnie worriedly asked me.

"She's now with Yuqi and Soyeon, just ask them if you want to know her condition." I answered tiredly, I don't want to open up to her now.

"Okay.. where are you going?"


"Looks like you want to be alone.."

I just nodded.

"Text me if you need a company." Minnie patted my shoulder and continued walking.

I looked at her walking until she entered Shuhua's room.

I went out of the hospital and my feet walked like it has its own life.


I saw a familiar figure, it was Soojin. I think the guy that Minnie said to me was with her now. How come that she didn't went to Shuhua immediately??

After the guy left Soojin, I walked furiously and tapped her shoulder.

"O-Oh hey? Where's Shuhua? I thought she stayed with you"

"Didn't you saw my message?"

She looked at me confused, and slowly pulled her phone out of her pocket.

She opened it and looked at my message.

"Soojin, Shuhua's here in the hospital, she was hit by a car."

She covered her mouth in shock. Her hand loosened it's grip on her phone that made it fall onto the ground.

"Who's that guy?" I held her arm tightly.


"Minnie saw you were with him last week. Are you cheating on Shuhua??" I asked angrily.

"H-He's my b-brother.." She said almost whispering.

I loosened my grip on her arm. So what I said was all wrong and it made Shuhua hurt herself.

I'm so idiot.

"Please visit her now. She's probably waiting for you"

I left Soojin dumbfounded,


I sat at the end of the slide, I'm at the playground now.

"I'm really sorry Shushu.." I cried as I stroked my hair frustratedly.

"I don't deserve you.. I can't even protect you properly"

Third Person POV

Miyeon continued to cry, she punched the grass, smacked herself continuously out of anger and sadness.

Suddenly her phone rang.

She tiredly answered it.

"Miyeon!!" Yuqi cried.

Miyeon panicked, thinking that Shuhua was possibly in a bad state.

"Why are you crying??"

"S-Shuhua" She sobbed.


"She's g-gone"

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