"I love when you compliment us" They smile dreamily.

"You are unspoken words, you know when I look at you what I think?"

"What do you think of?"

"Nothing" Cheryl frowns; she was expecting a cheesy confession.

"Nothing at all?" She asks.

"I try, and try to figure out the perfect word for you.. But nothing comes to mind. It's frustrating really" She shrugs with a pout, her finger strokes against the delicate bronzed cheek.

"But one word always seems to stand out"

"What's that?"

"Lucky, I'm so bloody lucky" They stare at each other, it seemed like hours, but they couldn't look away. They were awestruck, one look, one touch, and one inhale of their natural scents would lock them in a trance.


"Yeah baby?"

"How come you never write us them letters anymore?" It was years ago; the romantic side Kimberley conveyed was dreamlike. She'd find herself writing letters to her lover, the words of her love being put into elegant words, cursive black font of her fountain pen drawing out her admiration onto rose imprinted paper.

"I'd finally got you, I decided letters should be renovated into actions"

"But, letters are so.. Intimate" Cheryl loved nothing more than words being put onto paper, and given in such a manner that Kimberley only ever knew how to put together.

"Your hands touch the paper, your fragrance always lingered and smelt of sweet vanillas.. Your lips, and tongue seal the letter together. I don't think you know just how personal these letters are" Kimberley takes in her wife's words, and it was the first time she'd ever taken a letter's care, time, and what they really meant. Certain lovers were careless with the love confessions, but, Cheryl felt every word Kimberley wrote down. They spoke the truth, and she's never fallen so hard in love.


"Yeah baby?"

"I love you.. I'm not sure I tell you enough, just how much I do love you. I know you'd always cringe back in the day, you know, when you were with.. Ashley" Kimberley whispers, "You'd get annoyed or embarrassed when he'd say it so often"

"I only would get annoyed because I knew it was a load of bollocks"

"Do you like it when I say it?"

"I love it when you say it, because I know you mean it.. You always mean it." The room was painting with reds; the modernized bedroom was now filled with desire for both women lying in the bed.


"Yeah baby?"

"Wanna make out?" Cheryl giggles with a nod, their lips meet, tongues instantly colliding in a sensual rhythm. They've always found themselves swaying their moist tongues in such a way that was only a Cheryl and Kimberley kiss. It was their kiss that they've crafted so perfectly. Tongues claim every inch of the warm mouths sealed together. They readjust their positions, Kimberley taking her place on top of her wife; their lips never break. It's heated, passionate, and filled with hunger.

Hand's roam with earnestness, Cheryl's hands always shooting down to her wife's backside, slipping into the small shorts Kimberley had opted for the night. Squeezing and grasping the voluptuous bum. They deepen the kiss, both their tongues nearly swirling in each other's throats.

"Mmm" Kimberley moans into the kiss, it's a sound Cheryl would forever combust to. It echoed and vibrated through her, blasting straight down to her center. Hot kisses exchange vigorously. They couldn't get enough of each other; lips smack and slip carelessly, spurring them on with their hands that roved the familiar bodies.

Brave Book 2 - FanFic CHIM/CHERYL COLEWhere stories live. Discover now