Chapter 13

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(Creds to creator of picture)

~ Marinette's pov ~

Chat Noir and I talked all night. By the time he left, it was about 2 am. And then there was an akuma attack at about 4:45 so... Chat and I barely got any sleep. But honestly, it was worth it. Getting to see this new side of him has been truly eye opening. I mean- all Ladybug gets from him are silly puns and terrible jokes. But with Marinette, he seems so much I don't know! It's just nice to talk and get to know my partner.


I snap out of my haze and turn my attention towards Alya. "Yes?"

If looks could kill.

"Did you hear a single word I've said?! What's going on with you? Are you thinking about Adrien?"

Ugh why can't anyone believe that I have moved on? That I have completely accepted the fact that he loves another girl? Who is NOT me. "No. I was not thinking about my good friend, Adrien. I'm just tired. I was up late and then the akuma woke me up."

She looks at me for a second before nodding her head and pursing her lips as if she was checking something off a list. "Mari, I've told you that you need to get more sleep. If you want, you can sleep over at my house. I can even help you get some of your work done. Your overworking yourself and I'm genuinely scared for you. Please let me help!"

"Alya, there's nothing for you to help me with. I can handle myself and my workload. But thank you. And maybe I can sleep at your house next weekend." Unfortunately though, there's almost a 85% chance that those plans will be canceled.

"Ugh fine. But you have to promise me that if you need help you'll reach out to me."

"I promise." We do our secret handshake and head off to class.


When we get to Mrs.Busteir's, I notice the entire class lined up against the wall. "What's going on?" I ask. Kim leans towards my face and whispers, "I dunno. Ms. Bustier just told us to line up here. Maybe we're lining up to go on a field trip. Maybe we're going to the pool! Thankfully, I never go anywhere without my trunks!"

"Well," Max says, "I've done the calculations, and there is a 36.7% chance that you are at least partially correct." As he says this, he pushes his glasses up his nose and looks to his robot for reassurance.

Kim rolls his eyes at Max's comment. "Well that's still a chance!"

At this moment, Ms. Bustier raises her hand to let us know that she wants our attention. Once the room quiets down she finally speaks. "Good morning class! I bet your all wondering why it is that I have you lined up." The whole class nods their heads. "Well, you are lined up so that it will make it easier to sit with your partner."

It seems that everyone's eyes widen at her statement. Alya nudges me in the side. "Calm down class. Your only going to be in these seats for a week. Then you can move back to your regular positions. Unfortunetely, because of the recent caos, I havent been able to tell you about the project."

Everyone looks at each other.

I slowly turn my head towards Adrien who is already looking at me with a smile on his face. For the love of god! Why is it that I have to be partnered up with him when I just got rid of the feelings that haunted me for years every time I thought of him?!

"Where do you wanna sit?"

Breathe. "Ummm how about we sit behind Alya and Alix?"


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