Chapter 5

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~ Chat Noir/ Adriens pov ~

"Chat Noir?"

As soon as Marinette opened the window I could feel my heart quicken. What was I doing here again? "Erm...Hi Marinette."

"Hi Chat Noir. What can I do for you?" She looked me straight in the eye when she said this and for a second I didn't know what I was doing here.

"I was wondering if um.....I can come inside for"

She looked at me for a second before heaving a sigh and stepping back so I could climb down the ladder. Once I was in her room I closed the window and looked around. It looked mostly the same as last time I came here, other then the mess of course. When I finished looking around I found Marinette at her desk with her head back in her hands.

"What's got your pigtails in a knot, princess?" I try for some humour but she doesn't even crack a smile.

"I didn't pay attention in chemistry and now I don't understand this homework." She says, turning around so she could face me. I walked up to her desk and took a look.

"Thank goodness your knight is here then, cause he's a wizard at chemistry." I reply with a wiggling of my eyebrows. This time she smiles. "Really?!"

"Really." I point to the first question on her paper and read it out loud. I end up doing the entire sheet with her. But I don't mind. It feels refreshing to have a happy Marinette back. I want to ask her what's been making her seem so tired, but I don't think now is the right time. So instead I say, "Princess, do you understand it now? Or should I-"

"I understand it. Thank you so much, Chat Noir. This probably isn't what you planned to be doing when you asked for some company." She says looking down. But suddenly she's on her feet, "Wait here! I'll be right back." And then she's dashing down the stairs of her trap door. I wait patiently until she's back. Taking a look around her room again. At least she's still into fashion. I observe the pictures of me on her wall and frown. I never loved being a model. I just do it to keep my dad happy. Sometimes I -

"Can you help me?" I turn around to see Marinette struggling to balance four plates of something that smells like heaven on her arms. I quickly take two out of her hands and place them on her bed.

"I hope you like croissants, danishes, strawberry macaroons and chocolate cookies." She looks but up at me with a grin. I'm so ecstatic that I could hug her. I take two at a time and stuff the first croissant in my mouth. She giggles and walks over to her closet. "Up for a game of Mega Strike 3?" She asks with a huge smirk on her face.

"A cat never backs down from a challenge." I reply with a smirk of my own. "The real question is are you ready to lose, princess?" With a raise of my eyebrow I take another bite of my croissant hoping that I look intimidating.

She looks me up and down and tilts her head to the side. "Never." She walks over to the bed and munches on a strawberry macaroon as she sets up the game.


As I struggled to beat her in the 6th round we've played, she sat in a crisscross applesauce position looking completely bored. I was determined to win this round. But as I get to 15% health and Marinette at 32% I realise my chances are slim. So, I do what must be done. I lean over to my right and tickle her underarm. I wait for her to jump or react at all but she just smirks. Then, with a combo move she finishes me off.

"Boo yah! Marinette style!" She yells doing her mini victory dance. I should be upset but I find myself smiling. She stops for a second and looks over at me. "Were you trying to tickle me so I would drop my controller and give you a chance to win?" She says with a deadly calm.

My eyes widen and my heart skips a beat. "N-no?" But she's already walking towards me. I scramble to get on my feet and run to the other side of the room with a danish in my hand for a weapon. She doesn't even look scared. "Chat Noir." She scolds, "you know that's cheating." And with that, she's chasing me around her room. I throw my danish at her but it seems to have no effect. Damn she's fast. How is she so fast?! I'm running one moment and the next I'm tackled to the floor. She looks down with an evil glint in her eyes. Her hair has fallen out of their ties and flow across her face. She's really pretty.

She tuts her tongue. "Chat Noir." She chuckles. Then her face goes blank. For a second I'm confused but then she begins to tickle the sides of my waist and I'm hollering like a maniac. When I can't take it anymore I rush out of her grip, grab a cookie and as fast as I can, run to the balcony. She follows me up with her cheeks flushed. I'm sitting on the railing like a cat and smiling like a goof. "I got to go. Thanks for the food and company." I go to turn around but feel her grip my tail.

"Come back soon." I hear her say, and that makes my smile grow wider.

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