Chapter Nine - Gloating and Busty Burgers

Start from the beginning

He glanced up at us, pride glinting in his eyes. "I won't take my wheelchair in the car because I know you need to keep your job, Em. Don't want to put you out of business with my independence." He teased. Lucas reached over and slammed the door shut on his brother who pouted at us through the window.

I laughed reaching for the wheelchair before Lucas's large hand covered mine for just a moment. I felt warm jolts travel up my arm rapidly. I looked over at him questioningly, "I got it." He stated gruffly folding the chair and chucking it next to Daniel as though it weighed nothing.

He stepped to open his door, hesitating as he looked at me, "Coming?" He asked.

I nodded opening the passenger side door and sliding in. He had placed the wheelchair in the back this time, leaving the seat beside him as the only available option.

I couldn't rationalize why I had butterflies at the moment. They were just there and they were fluttering about. I snapped my seatbelt on and looked around the car to distract me from the Goliath seated next to me. He was so large, his arm just barely touched my seat. If I shifted a little to the left, we'd be brushing arms.

I spotted a case of cigarettes and a lighter in the center console and frowned. I found a flaw. I despised smoking more than I despised Ms. Smith. That was a lot.

"Do you guys think it's too soon to text Rebecca?" Daniel whined from the backseat.

"Yes," Lucas responded at the same time that I replied with a "no."

He looked over at me and raised an eyebrow before he stated, "I think you should give it a couple days before you text her."

"Hmm. What do you think, Em?" Daniel inquired.

"She's already texted you as you were walking out. Maybe you can text her to make plans to see her again." I shifted to look at Daniel in the back seat to see him pensively in thought.

"You'd take Emily's advice over mine?" Lucas questioned in a teasing tone I'd never heard from him before. My name rolled off of his tongue almost tenderly. He had a small smile tugging at his lips as he stared straight ahead, one arm lazily draped over the top of the steering wheel.

"Well, she's a chick, so yeah." Daniel responded.

We drove past the condo complex and I looked back through the window, "You missed the house?"

His eyes darted to mine quickly, "I'm hungry."

"Food!" Daniel cheered. "I call Bob's Busty Burgers."

"Bob's... Busty Burgers?" I questioned the name.

"Bob's Busty Burgers," Lucas agreed.

We pulled into a parking lot to a restaurant that was indeed named 'Bob's Busty Burgers'. Why on earth someone would choose that name was beyond me.

Lucas opened his car door and I did the same with mine. I was about to pull Daniel's wheelchair from the back, but Lucas beat me to it, wheeling it over to the opposite side of the car for Daniel to slide into. Was he trying to score my job?

We walked to the restaurant and Lucas held the door open for Daniel and I as we walked in to a cozily lit restaurant. I was surprised not to see half naked women gracing the walls.

Lucas walked to a bench near a window and moved the chair away from the table before sitting down on the booth. Daniel wheeled himself to the table, sitting across from Lucas.

Lucas looked up at me, standing there like a moron. Was I supposed to sit next to him? Should I go home?

"Are you sitting?" Lucas asked looking at the space next to him.

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