When she arrived, the patient was severely dehydrated and malnourished. She displayed several bruises, lacerations, blows to the head and evidence of sexual abuse.

He looks up at her, shaken. Bucky comes in, his phone in hand.

Bucky: Have you seen the mission report?!

Steve nods sadly. Suddenly, they hear people yelling in the hallway and they run out to see what is happening.

Nat: You had no right to put that in the report!

Bruce: Nat, I had to put -

Nat: How dare you!?

Bruce: Listen to me. It's my job to put everything in the report. I didn't know Fury would send it to the whole team!

Fury: Agent Romanoff, please try to -

She turns to him, not letting him finish.

Nat: How would you feel waking up in an unfamiliar place, surrounded by perfect strangers who know the worst thing you had to go through !? It was her story to tell, nobody else's!

She's about to hit him when Steve grabs her by the waist and drags her away.

Steve: Nat, calm down!

Nat: Don't you dare tell me to calm down.

She frees herself from his grasp and storms away, going back to Lexi's room. Bucky and Steve exchange a worried look, but decide to leave her alone. She walks in and shuts the door before closing her eyes, trying not to burst into tears. After a while, she finally calms down and sits on the chair. She stares at her friend for a long time before sighing.

Nat: I'm sorry Lex...

Soon, she falls asleep in the chair. 

She wakes up a few hours later at the sound of someone coughing. As soon as she opens her eyes, she sees Lexi is awake. She jumps out of the chair.

Nat: Lex!

Lexi: Nat? Where am I?

Nat: In the medbay at the Avengers compound. Do you remember anything?

Lexi: Not really...

She winces from the pain.

Nat: I'll go get Bruce.

She runs out of the room and is slightly surprised to see Steve, Tony and Bucky sitting in the hallway. She ignores them as they jump on their feet and walks over to Bruce who is at his desk not far from the room.

Nat: She's awake.

Bruce follows her to the room.

Bruce: Hi Lexi, I'm Bruce Banner. How are you feeling?

She glances at Nat who nods to encourage her.

Lexi: I've been better...

Bruce smiles at her before checking her vitals.

Lexi: What happened?

He glances at Nat who comes closer.

Nat: What's the last thing you remember?

The girl frowns, trying to remember.

Lexi: I was undercover in SAHARA. I found out the counselor was Lincoln Harris, so I sent a report to S.H.I.E.L.D letting them know I was proceeding with the final part of the mission.

She closes her eyes, struggling to remember the rest.

Lexi: I was able to get close to Lincoln and... and then it's all foggy.

Nat sadly smiles at her.

Nat: You did good. How did you get close to him?

Lexi: I befriended a guy during the years I spent there and he told me the counselor was intrigued by me. That he found me attractive or something. He wanted to meet, so obviously I jumped on the occasion. We went on what we can call a date. When he brought me back to the base, I sent the report. He asked me to see me again two days later and that's where it gets fuzzy... I guess it didn't go well after that...

Nat hesitates before looking at Bruce, silently asking to leave them alone. He nods, squeezes her hand and walks out of the room, closing the door after him.

Lexi: I don't want to know.

Nat: What?

Lexi: Whatever you were about to tell me. I don't want to know. I'll deal with it if I remember. If I don't, it's better this way.

Nat hesitates before nodding.

Nat: Ok. Let me know if you change your mind. All you need to know for now is that you blew your cover and got tortured. We found you after your tracker went offline.

Lexi: Thanks...

She smiles before squinting at her friend.

Lexi: So what's going on between you and that Bruce guy?

Nat: I don't know what you're talking about.

Lexi: Oh come on. I can smell the sexual tension between you two.

Nat: You have not changed a bit.

Lexi: I missed you too.

Nat smiles before kissing her forehead.

Nat: You should get some rest. If you feel better tomorrow, I'll introduce you to the rest of the team. If there is anything, press that button right there and Bruce will come check on you. I should be back before you wake up in the morning.

Lexi: Don't worry.

Nat: Do you want the door closed or opened?

Lexi: Closed.

She nods, walking out of the room before closing the door. She glances at Steve, Bucky, Tony and Bruce who were waiting for her to come out.

Steve: How is she?

Nat: She doesn't remember the torture or the abuse. She asked not to know.

Bruce: What do you mean?

Nat: I was about to explain what happened when she asked me not to tell her. She said that she'll deal with it if she remembers. So I told her the big lines. That she blew her cover and got tortured before we rescued her.

Tony: Maybe it's better that way.

Nat: Maybe... Anyway, I told her I would introduce you guys tomorrow. For now she needs rest. Can you make sure no-one talks about the mission report?

They all nod. She's about to leave when she turns to Bruce.

Nat: Bruce?

Bruce: Yeah?

Nat: I told her to buzz you if she needs anything, but let me know if she does.

Bruce: Of course.

She forces a smile, still mad about the mission report, even though she understands that he only did his job. She walks to her room and decides to try and get some more sleep. The others do the same and soon enough, the whole compound is asleep, except for Bruce and Lexi. She is staring at the ceiling. She knows something bad happened for Nat to be that way. She can guess what it is. She closes her eyes, trying to bury the thought of it. Soon enough, the exhaustion takes over and she falls asleep. 

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