Chapter 2.

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* John stand in line beside a blond woman known as Sonya blade. He wanted to talk to her, but he decided to do that later. Right now shange Tsung was on stage with Kitana and Jade*

Shange Tsung: Kombatans! I am Shang Tsung, in the coming days each of you will for your realms.

* While Shang Tsung was talking Johnny was try to flirt with Sonya and  failing miserably*

Johnny: Hey beautiful, Johnny Cage.

Sonya: Good for you.

Johnny: huh? "Massive Strike", "Citizen Cage", "Ninja Mime"? None of those ring any bells?

Sonya: Kano...

Johnny: Kano? I don't remember being in that one.

Shang Tsung: All of you will participate in the most important  tournament. Outworld has won 9 tournament and one more victory will spell doom for earthrelm. At the end if you defeat all challenges you'll face one final challenge.....ME.

Johnny: Ha! That old geezer is the final challenge? You might as well have hand me the belt right now, they do have belts right?

John: you should let what's on the surface fool you to what lies beneath.
It could be the death of you.

Shang Tsung: he's right mister cage, we have our first fight Johnny Cage vs John Clyde.

* John Step into the ring and gave kitana a quick smile as she returned it*

John: I'm going to shut you up for good.

*The fight started as Johnny used his shadow kick, John saw this coming as he sidestepped it and delivered a Haki axe kick following up with side head kick with the other leg.

At that point Johnny was wobbly as John did quick boxing combination finishing Johnny off Devastating right hook*

John: maybe that will shut you up.

Shang Tsung: congratulations mister clyde you claim the 1st victory, but which realm do you represent?

John: in all honesty I love earthrealm, but one day it will destroy itself. So I will side with Outworld.

Shang Tsung: Excellent, you scored the first victory us. Are you ready to  resume?

John: Bring it on.

* So one by one John defeat random fighters from Earthrealm. Kitana saw him was mesmerized by fighting ability, she wasn't the only as her friend and bodyguard Jade was impressed. After 9 straight victories John wanted more to fight*

John: That's it? I expected more.

Shang Tsung: well done mr.Clyde, you secured 9 victories for Outworld. The emperor will be pleased. The tournament will resume shortly.

John: oh man, I'm getting hungry now.  Fighting 9 people in a row can take it's  toll.

* before John could find some food he sense two people approach him*

John: What can I do for you, Lord Raiden.

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