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A/N MUST READ In this timeline Jim's amulet wasn't broken. And lets pretend Douxie erased everyone's memories after the fight with Gunmar. Also there is hopefully gonna be somethinh big amd exciting coming up! Lets also pretend that when Claire and Jim found the new heartstone, they somehow got it to Arcadia using Claire's shadow staff. If u are still pretending, I applaud you(pretend me clapping)!


We follow behind Jim as school ends, since we all agreed to meet up at a taco place after school with some of his friends.

As we arrive at our destination, we spot a short, stout boy with long, flat and a little stringy red hair, wearing braces. Next to him, a pretty girl with short black hair, half of of which is white at the front, the rest black and in a small bun.

"Jimbo!" The boy in braces shouts, running up to Jim and giving him a friendly punch on the shoulder.

The girl smiles before pecking Jim on the cheek and proceeding to hold his hand.

"So, these are my friends I was talking about. The boy's name is Toby and he's my best friend. The girl's name is Claire and she's my girlfriend," At this Jim smiles at her before giving us his attention.

"Toby, Claire this is Connor, Megan and Dick, the new students at our school that I told you about," he explains while pointing to each of us as we sit down and order our food.

"So, Jim, Toby I heard you broke into a museum once. Could you tell us what that was about?" I question is a smooth, casual voice.

They both stop what they're doing, before laughing like what I just said was the funniest thing in the world. Claire rolls her eyes, but ends up cracking a smile.

"O-h that seems like it happened ages ago!"

"We were so scared of getting in trouble, but now that seems like an easy time,"

After their little laugh-a-thon, Jim explains that Toby lost his chubby tracker, whatever that is, at the museum on their excursion. Since they couldn't go on another excursion, and they couldn't go with their parents, since Jim's mom worked and Toby's Nana was practically blind, they just went that night.

That is not a solid story. Jim doesn't look like a trouble causing boy and he doesn't seem like an impatient,reckless one either.

So I decide to continue interrogating them.
"Couldn't you have just waited until later, I'm sure your mom ,Jim, has annual leave. You could have just gone then."

Jim looks like he's struggling for a response, but Toby buts in.

"I know, but I had way too much sugar that night, and was addicted to my chubby tracker. So when we left the musruem and I had finally realised I lost my chubby tracker, I didn't realise before because me and Jimbo were being silly, I insisted on going back. Since Jim is an awesome friend, he didn't want me to go by myself and there wasn't time to stop me. When I want something I want something."

That's more reasonable, but Jim's hesitation can't have been for no reason.

Toby's face suddenly lights up for a nanosecond before falling.

"What's wrong Toby?" I ask, suspicious to the core.(A/N Decendants refersnce anyone?;) )

"It's just- it's about to be Jim's birthday,"

Jim hasn't touched his food, but now he looks ready to vomit.

"What's wrong about his birthday?"

"Good things,never happen," Jim mutters in a dark town, before changing the subject to Gun Robot.

After we all finish our food, Jim still hasn't started!

Claire whispers to him softly, "You know you have to eat, how about we start slowly, k?"

"Yeah I know but ever since-," he glances at us," what happened there, my stomach's not agreeing with a lot of foods."

I raise an eyebrow at Meagan and she opens up a telepathic link.

Megan- "All right, we need to get more information, but how?"

Connor- "Maybe one of us could ask him to our house after school, then the rest of us could sneak into his house to see if there is anything to help us?

Robin- " Good idea, but for now, what's so bad abput this place Jim went to that he's having trouble eating?"

Nobody notices our conversation as we eat while it's happening.

Jim takes a deep breath and starts to slowly take a bite.


Turning into a half- troll, then to a full troll, then back to a human, does not do wonders for your digestive system.
At all.
As soon as I swallaw I am extremely tempted to just spit it back out. My stomach feels like someone tried to make scrambled eggs, but then failed. Big time.

But somehow I manage to keep the food down, and as I do Toby and Claire let out a cheer, while the new kids just look at us weird.

I try my best to explain to the trio that I went on a camping trip where I got food poisoning, and that my stomach is still acting up.
They all seem to buy it, but Robin is still giving me secret agent vibes. After me, Claire and Steve came back from Camelot, everything was smooth sailing. All the more reason for me to expect another cuckoo-crazy villan to take over the world.

But for now, I'm going to try my best to enjoy my peaceful life for once, however long that lasts.

Oh! And figure out if the new kids are changelings(there are still some rogue ones who don't seem to understand that Gunmar is destruido)

First... Tacos!(Toby's rubing of on me).

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