I loved it. I thanked Mulan, and she just told me to put the clothes on. I walked over to the bathroom, and took off my clothes. I turned on the shower. Mulan was right, I did reek.

Once I was done, I quickly dried off and put on the clothes that Mulan had given me. I left the bathroom, only to find an empty dorm. Looking around, I found a note on Mulans bed.

Hey, sorry to I had to go. Meet me at the mall at five o'clock? ~ Mulan

I had nothing better to do, so I decided just to go out venturing on my own. I grabbed my purse, and my phone, and headed out the door. Unfortunately, the buses stopped running after 4:30, so I had no hope of getting to the mall. I didn't have my drivers licence yet. It sucked, I knew. But it wasn't my fault I kept failing the drivers test! The teacher, Ms. Cruella, was just an awful person. Hardly anyone passed her class. Rumour has it that you had to bribe her in order to get your licence.

I began to walk to the mall. It was kinda far, but I supposed I needed the exercise. But by ten minutes, I was out of breath. I had skipped swim practice, so I was really out of shape. I made a mental note to toughen up and start swimming again.

As I contemplated my ridiculous dilemma, a car pulled up to me on the sidewalk. My first instinct was to run. I had seen way too many movies about how a car pulls up to a girl walking alone, and kidnaps her. However, that thought was demolished when I saw it was a boy from my English class. I really needed to stop watching late night horror films on Netflix. I couldn't remember his name though. Was it Adam? Anderson? His brown hair flopped in his eyes, and he began to speak. "Hey Ariel. Need a ride?" He offered. Andy! That was what his name was!

"Um, I'm actually going to the mall. I don't want to inconvenience you." I lied, pretending to smile. In truth, I was dying for a ride. My feet were killing me.

"That's kinda far." He noted. "I'm headed there too. Get in." He swung the passengers door open. Well, it would've been rude not to go in, right?

"Thanks." I grinned at him. I had never really talked to Andy before. It was weird. And awkward. I cleared my throat, feeling the uncomfortable silence settle in.

"So, you going to the bonfire tonight?" He asked, breaking the deafening silence. I nodded.

"Yeah, my friend's dragging me to it. Are you?" I replied.

"Eh, I don't know. It's not really my scene."

"You have a scene? Let me guess, you spend all day holed up in your room, because you're too cool for everyone else." I said teasingly. I vaguely wondered why I was acting all happy. I had just broken up with my boyfriend, for goodness sake!

He laughed out loud. "Yep. You're below my standards." He said jokingly, causing me to grin. "But I'm actually surprised you're going. I heard you weren't?"

My brow furrowed in confusion. "Who told you that?"

"Well, Peter Pan told Belle Rose, who told my friend Tinkerbell, who told me." He said.

"What?!" I screeched. "Peter told what to Belle?!"

"Woah there, tiger!" Andy laughed. "What's wrong with that?"

"Peter is my ex boyfriend. He doesn't decide how I live my life!" I wasn't sure why it made me so angry. It just did. "And Belle is supposed to be my best friend. Why is she talking to my exes?!" I threw my hands up in the air in frustration.

"Well, all I know is that Belle isn't going to the bonfire, but Peter is. There's a rumour that he's going with Wendy Darling." Andy stated, sneaking a glance at me.

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