Chapter 2

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As we arrived at the new venue in the next town, I looked out of the window and hummed along to the radio. Nash, Ian and Jamie sat quietly beside me. I didn't know if they didnt want to talk, or if they were just being quiet. I didnt bother to ask. They probably figured I didn't want to talk. It's not that I don't want to talk. It's just that they constantly talk about Megan. And then there's Cameron who's in love with her sister, Liz. I shook my head and sighed quietly.

I missed her so fucking much. So much. But she's off living her dream, or trying to. Or maybe she's still in the same hospital bed she was in last I saw her. I don't know where she is, or how she's doing, but I miss her so much. I miss the way her hair would fall into her face when she was deep in thought. I missed the way her eyes lit up when she would hold a guitar or attempt to make a joke. I miss her smile, her laugh. I miss everything about her. If I could turn back time, make the crash from happening, I would. I would take it all back, but sadly I can't. I would give my world to take it all back, to make sure shes happy. 

I heard the door open beside me as I snapped out of my day dream. I stepped out of the esclade, falling instantly down onto my face and whining loudly. I got up, fixing my suit and brushing myself off I walked into the arena after Ian. We walked the halls a while before setting the stage up and practicing our first set, letting the next band practice and then our last set. I sighed quietly as the tiredness starting to kick in. I didn't want it to show, so I kept it all in and put on a smile.

I did the same for the concert. 

Same for the after concert.

Same for the next three days.




And you wanna know something? I'm sick and tired of the same. I'm so sick of it all. I want different. I want- no, I need change. This is driving me mad and it isn't fair anymore. Why did it have to be her? Why was it Megan? I don't understand why it had to be her. My head felt dizzy. My eyes had turned a dark brown and my lips were dry and chapped. I shook my head, brushing it off slightly and continued on with my life. 

Pulling my phone out, I sat down on my bed and looking through the photos. I felt a single tear stream down my cheek as the words I wish I'd told her came out.

"Dammit Megan. Why? Why the hell did you leave me? I know I fucked up, I know I did. But did you have to crash? Did you have to go and lose your memory? I don't know why I'm blaming you. It was out of your control but dammit, I miss you. I miss the way your hair would fall into your face. I miss the way you looked in clothes, my sweats and my tanks looked best on you. I missed the way you'd play guitar and I miss the way you'd laugh at a joke that was not even funny. I miss it. I miss you so much. Come back, Megan. Come back.." I felt my throat becoming dry and my eyes flooding with tears. I gasped a bit as I heard Nash's voice. He couldn't see me like this.

Quickly standing up, I ran into the bathroom and slammed the door shut. Leaning against it, I felt something in me rising. 

Something 'I couldn't control. 

I didn't know what it was, but it didn't feel normal. It didn't feel right. But it felt welcomed. It felt.. Nice. 


Megan's POV

"Who are you?" I asked once more. The man in frony of had a dark and errie glow. I bit onto my bottom lip. My hands slightly trembled from the cold of the hospital room but I didn't mind it. I've grown use to it over the past however many months I've been here. When the man didn't speak, I shook my head.

"Who. Are. You?" I asked again, hoping to be a bit more demanding. The man still didn't speak. I narrowed my eyes slightly. Maybe if I got up I could see him better. I tried to move, but an instant pain shot up my leg and into my back. I slightly let out sharp yelp as the man rushed to my side to help me back into the bed. He still said nothing. I pushed his colder hands away, shaking my head again and glaring at him.

"Who are you?!" I said. "Sir, please. Who are you?" I hated not having my memory. Not only did it make me feel terrible for not remembering who these people who were coming to visit me are, but because I couldn't remember anything or anyone's name. Hell. What's even my name?! I know it's Megan Mace. But that's it. The doctor's don't want to rush me into remembering every thing about me. I rolled my eyes bitterly. I really just wish they would just tell me. 

I looked at the man again. He looked back at me and I could see a mask over his face. 

"Why the mask? It isn't Halloween." Or is it? I don't know. I'm trying to sound tough here. "Who are you?"

The man shook his head. His larger hand reaching out and gently taking mine in his own. Did I know him? Was he an ex? My father? Brother? 

I sighed shakily as our hands soon became intertwined. I was scared, really scared. This man scared me and I can't even see his face. I couldn't tell if he was trouble, or if he was nice. I swallowed hardly. A nurse would be lovely to see right about now. I tried grabbing the call button, but his hand kept both of my hands planted in a tight lock. I shook my head. 

I tried to fight my way out  of his grip, but I was weak. I couldn't do it. I couldn't get out of his grip and it made me feel and look weak. 

"Who are you?" I asked again. He brought his face close to mine. He had lifted his mask up enough  for lips to be exposed. His lips were chapped, rugged even as they hit my not any better lips. I felt my eyes widen, and my heart quicken. I quickly shoved him away. Half panicked, I grabbed the closet thing to me and threw it at him.

"Who are you?!" This time, I screamed it. He was persistent. He attacked my lips again this time with more force and agony. He held onto my arms tightly as he pinned me down onto the bed. He let out a loud, disdainful moan and kept moving his lips along mine. I felt his hand slowly sliding up my hospital gown, softly sliding along the edge of my underwear. I quickly shoved him off again. I pulled the blankets up as far as possible and brought my legs to my chest. My heart race quickened, my eyes watering as he stood back up. 

I looked back at him. I shot him the best glare I could but I know I had failed.

"W-who a-are y-you?" I asked again. My whole body was trembling with fear and anxiety as I waited for a response. 

The man stayed calm. I saw a smile form across his lips as he finally uttered a word out.

"I'm Ryan," He said. "Your boyfriend. Your fiance."

My what?  

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