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"Uuhh, Yeji aren't we trespassing? This isn't our dorm and yet here we are, going inside without your dormmate's permission..."

"Oh shit, we've talked about the house rules already... Uhmm, let's wait here outside... She's gonna be here in a minu—"

"Yeji? What are you doing outside alon— oh... I see, your friends are making sure you got home safely eh? Can't blame them, being with someone so dangerous is really scary..."

Yeji frowned at Ryujin, while Lia and Yuna felt guilty. Ryujin stared at them, displaying no emotions. She was still upset at what happened earlier, tho she completely understood their actions. Still, she was a human being with emotions and not some heartless shitty robots.

"R-Ryujin-ssi... We are not here for Yeji... We are here for you, we want to apologize. We've acted so badly, judging you without even knowing what the real story is... I hope you forgive us, we sincerely are sorry Ryujin-ssi..."

Lia spoke up, looking at Ryujin's eyes. All she said was sincere and Ryujin could see that, the two of them were really sorry. Ryujin diverted her gaze to Yeji who was staring intently at her, she was fiddling with her fingers which was a sign of nervousness. Ryujin wasn't mad at them, just upset. Who wouldn't? Being judged like that and some other shitty stuffs, of course she'd be upset. But other than that, everything's fine.

"Lia-ssi, Yuna-ssi, I forgive you two. I understand why you acted like that, you're just worried about Yeji. I'm not mad at you two tho, just a bit upset but that's fine. I just hope you won't look at me as bad as you do before, y'know, like you won't look at me as only a reckless girl which is what most students obviously see in me..."

Ryujin shrugged and walked towards them, gave them both a small pat on the shoulder and walked past them towards the dorm. She completely went inside without saying anything else, leaving the trio standing dumbfounded.

"Told ya, she's understanding... So, would you want to go inside?"

"Oh, naah... We'll get going now unnie, we've done what was  needed to be done now so we're good to go... Bye unnie!"

"Bye Yeji! Tell Ryujin we're thankful that she understand us and we really are sorry..."

And with that, the two of them walked away from Yeji's dorm. Yeji smiled before going inside, looking for her dormmate. She found  her on the kitchen, drinking her almond milk with a small pout on her face as she stared at nothingness. Yeji found it really cute, so she quietly took her phone and took a picture of the clueless badgirl secretly. She smiled, satisfied from what she did before she walked towards her.

"Hey Jin!"

"Oh, ne? What's up, Ji?"

Yeji smiled at their sudden nicknames, Ji and Jin. It was jut like a force of habit, like they've been calling each other like that from the past years.

"Where are they? Your friends, I mean..."

"Oh, they went back to their dorm. They said thanks for understanding them tho, and sorry for the last time..."

"Tsk, I already said it was fine... By the way, I'm getting up extra early tomorrow so we won't walk to school together. I have to visit my bitchass friend, Chaeryeong which of curse you know who..."

Yeji tilted her head a little before she smiled and nodded her head, excusing herself to go change her clothes. She doesn't know why she suddenly felt a little pang of pain on her heart, nor does she know that what she was feeling was the thing called jealousy. Nonetheless, they both ate ramen together that night and went straight to sleep after taking a warm shower separately. The night was peaceful, how long will the peacefulness last tho?

"Oh, Yeji unnie! Wait a minute, I was expecting to see you with your dormmate right now.... Where's she?"

"She went to see her friend, so she got up earlier and left. Let's get to class now, shall we?"

Yeji tried to sound cheerful, but they were her best friends. They both saw past her cheerful but decided to not comment on it, they know what she was feeling tho a d they mentally smirked at their friend. A jealous Yeji, that's something they could use as a bait for future purposes. They all went of their classes separately and spent their day focusing on their studies, which is a responsibility for scholar students.

"Ah, finally..."

Yeji muttered when her last morning subject finally ended, stretching her sore body a little. She never knew that sitting and writing can make you this tired.

"Ji, there you are! I was looking for you everywhere, good thing someone knew what your last morning class was..."

"Ryujin? What're you doing here?"

"Oh, come on... We'll eat lunch together! Ppali, we'll sit with your friends. I'm sure they're already fine with me, right?"

"Oh, yep. They're completely fine now, I somehow knocked some sense on them. Let's go?"

"Go let's, lead the way m'lady..."

Ryujin playfully bowed and did a pose to let Yeji go first, earning a laugh and a soft punch on the shoulder from the taller one. They walked to the cafeteria side by side, as Yeji forgot about the little twinge of jealousy on her heart. Students still looked and talked about them, but they still and won't ever care about that.

"Yuna, Lia! Ryujin would be sitting with us, I'm sure that's fine now, right?"

"Pfft, of course. She's your friend, and now she's a friend for us too..."

Lia said with a genuine smile on her face, before the badass finally came back with tray full of foods.

"Hello there, Lia and Yuna! I ordered a lot of delicious foods for the four of us... So, let's dig in!"

That was one of the best meals Ryujin ever, not because of the delicious foods but because of the great company she had. Its been so long since she had laughed around with people genuinely, and that people are what she can call as 'friends'.

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