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"Hwang Lucy!!! Hello!!"

"Aisht! Tone it down will you, Julia?!"

It was the first day of school, the hallways was packed and was filled with inaudible noises from different students that were so talkative. Lia's voice just seemed to stand out as some students turned to look at them, making Yeji curse under her breath. Choi Jisu or Choi Julia or Lia for short is Yeji's childhood best friend, she's also a scholar and a varsity in singing.

"Oh come on, so grumpy in the morning..."

"Fine fine, I'm sorry. But seriously, you're just too loud sometimes. I guess living with Yuna really does count off huh?"

Shin Yuna, another friend of Yeji. A floorball varsity star and also a scholar. She's a Freshman while Yeji and Lia are Senior Highschool students.

"You bet. We're still dormmates by the way, fortunately unfortunate. You, who's your new dormmate?"

"Oh that... It's actually surprising... It's —"

"Eeyyoooowwww! What's up people!"

Everybody looked at the Floorball star and greeted her back, except the two of her besties who glared at her.

"Really Yuna? A shout in the morning? Its freaking first day, don't ruin it."

Yuna only rolled her eyes and gave them both a hug, which they grudgingly returned. The trio are quite known yet not too famous in the campus, just enough for most people to know them and not chase them. They were the school representatives, having the brains, the looks and the talents.

"I missed you Yeji unnie! Lia unnie and I are still roommies so its no biggie. Unnie, who's your unlucky roommate?"

"That's what I was about to tell Lia before you shouted and broke the calm atmosphere... My dormmate is R—"

Once again, Yeji failed to finish her sentence. There was chaos in the hallway and students were crowding it. The trio looked at each other before they decided to see it for themselves, so they squished themselves to get a better view. Yeji widened her eyes at the situation in front of her, most of the students was also as shock as her.

"Yah bitch! Are you fucking deaf? I said apologize! How fucking rude for a bitchy slut like you to bump on me!"

It was the new senior transferee and Shin Ryujin, heating up against each other. 'Uh oh, this newbie is in trouble." Yeji thought as she saw how Ryujin stared blankly at the guy. Yeji has seen this type of chaos once, it was still Ryujin on the scene. Yeji was just a sophomore that time when she she saw how the freshmen (Ryujin) beated up the arrogant pervert who groped her ass. She knew too  well not to anger her, or you'd be a blink closer to death.

"Excuse me? The hallway is wide asshole, and besides you were too busy drooling over the girl's short skirts."

Everybody 'ooh-ed' at her remark, making the newbie fume in anger. He grabbed the colar of Ryujin's leather jacket, and the girl only looked unbothered by it. She even managed to smirk at the guy, fueling his anger some more.

"What the fuck did you just say? You bitch, wanna get beat up?!"

"Try me lame ass jerk, bet you can't even land a punch on me."

That's when the guy swung his free arm, aiming for the girl's face. Everybody anticipated what her move was, and as expected the punch was blocked when she gripped the guy's fist before it went an inch closer to her face. He was visibly shaking — not in anger, but in pain.

"Argghhhhh! L-let go o-of me!"

He struggled to break free, even when he used both of his hands to pry her strong grip off. She smirked and used her free hand to punch him hardly in the stomach, a loud 'thud' echoing as she did so. The guy knelt with his free hand clutching his stomach, but she wasn't even done yet. She let go of his fist before grabbing his head and banging it with her knee so hard that everyone heard his nose break. The guy laid on the floor, unconscious with a bloody nose.

"Tsk, what a weakling... Hey, you! Take him to the clinic before he dies there."

The guy whom she pointed nodded and quickly dragged the newbie with the help of some students. Ryujin sighed before she started leaving the scene, until her gaze landed on her new dormmate. She smirked at her before finally leaving, walking away like nothing happened. Luckily for Yeji, her friends didn't noticed the gesture of the badgirl or it would be a bit complicated.

"Waah, first day of school and the badgirl is already on the loose... Daebak!"

Yuna exclaimed as the three of them also left the scene, along with the other students.

"I don't know what really happened but I think the newbie deserved it, I mean he was being arrogant..."

Lia explained, to which the two of her friends agreed to. Yeji almost forgot to tell them her big news. She  smiled and turned at her friends, preparing herself for their reactions.

"Oh by the way, don't freak out. My new dormmate is Shin Ryujin, the badgirl on the loose this morning."


A/N: unedited

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