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This was nothing like I'd dreamt my wedding would be.

After sitting in the disgusting room for hours, Beau finally retrieved me to get ready for my marriage.

The ladies-in-waiting worked swiftly. I had the dress on, my hair was pinned up in a fancy braided bun, and a veil was attached, all within minutes. My lips were painted a muted shade of red, my eyelashes were curled and my eyelids were a soft shade of brown.

Sure, I did look beautiful. But nothing else was right.

Ellie was supposed to be here as my maid of honour. I was supposed to be wearing a flowing white dress. I was supposed to have my parents with me.

But most importantly, I was supposed to be marrying someone I loved.

Despite Kyle's previous suggestion of getting married in the mess hall, we were to wed in some clearing in the forest. At least that was what I'd been told. Sounded a bit Twilight-esque to me. But it wasn't like I had any say.

I hadn't seen Kyle since I stuck him with the needle, but I imagined he wasn't too pleased with me.

I was with Beau behind some trees, waiting for the signal for me to walk down the aisle.

"You look lovely," Beau complimented. Normally, I'd have been creeped out by him saying something like that, but his gaze was respectful, almost fatherly.

I wasn't sure what to think of him. Sebastian was definitely worse, but I was relieved to be with Beau instead of him.

Soon enough it was time. Beau offered me his arm. I was going to refuse at first, but my dress was too large and I nearly tripped. The heels I was wearing weren't of much help. So, I looped my arm through his.

We walked out from behind the trees. I was presented with a long red carpet that would lead me up to a make-shift stage where I could see Kyle grinning from beside the priest. He looked too cocky.

On either side of the carpet, there were chairs filled with men in black.

How depressing.

Upon noticing my presence, everyone stood up.

The trees surrounding the clearing were wrapped in fairy lights, providing more than enough light under the evening sky.

Had I been marrying someone else and the guests been people I knew and liked, I might've been excited and pleased.

But that wasn't the case.

Beau walked slowly, allowing me to pace myself and not land face-first into the grass.

As we neared the front and I noticed Ashley and Sebastian standing next to each other. Hayley also stood on the other side of Sebastian, she didn't react as I walked past her. I wanted to ask her where she'd been all week. If she was truly on my side, surely she'd have snuck into my room to talk to me.

Beau helped me up the few steps to the stage and I nervously took my stand facing Kyle.

"You look gorgeous," He commented. "We'll be having a stern talk about that needle later, however."

"Save it." I hissed.

Kyle glared, but softened his look, remembering we had an audience.

I zoned out as the priest began to speak.

This can't be happening. Someone is supposed to be here. Save me from this. I'm too young to get married. Especially marrying someone I barely knew, didn't like.

"Charlotte?" Kyle called, pulling me from my thoughts.

"Hmm?" I asked.

"Do you take this man to be your husband?" The priest repeated, looking bored.

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