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"What? Why?" I burst, shutting the door behind me. "What's wrong? How did you get into my apartment?"

"You left the door unlocked, I thought you were showering."

I shook my head. "It's Hayley." I went to the washroom, slapping my hand against the door. This was getting ridiculous, it had been over an hour. "GET OUT!"

"Let me bathe in peace!" She called back.

"Fine! But you're paying the water bill this month, I don't care if you have a job or not!"

"That's not fair!" She screamed.

I ignored her, over her stupidity. I turned back to Ace who had taken a seat on one of the couches in the living room. "Why do we have to leave? I just got here, and Dallas told me everything is fine."

Ace shook his head. "The Venom members followed you guys back from the beach. They called me to come and get you and bring you to my father. They don't trust Dallas because of how he tried to leave the dealing. But they think I'm loyal to them."

I panicked. "Are you going to take me to your father?"

"What?" He gaped. "No. I'm on your side!" He shook his head at me in disbelief. "I called Dallas a minute ago, he should be here any moment."

Like clockwork, there was a knock on the door of the apartment.

I pulled it open. Dallas looked around wildly. "So you're saying we have to leave tonight?" He directed his words at Ace.

"Tonight?" I repeated in a whisper. "What?"

Ace nodded. "If I don't return with you to my father, they'll come and get you themselves. They know what you look like now, they don't trust Dallas. And after tonight, they won't trust me either. So we need to leave."

"Where are we going to go then?" I paced around. "And for how long? Should I pack a bag?"

Dallas and Ace shared a look. "We should go to your old house, your parents' place," Dallas suggested.

My heart raced at the idea.

Ace agreed. "We need to get the vault before my father and bring this whole thing to an end. Otherwise, they'll kill you." He told me.

This was all happening way too fast. "Okay, so we're leaving, like now. Is Hayley going to come?"

Both of the guys shook their heads. 

"No way," Protested Ace. "I may want to keep you alive, but bringing Hayley along is an added liability. Not to mention, I can barely stand her existence."

Dallas nodded in agreement. "She's a pretty trash sister, isn't she?"

I frowned at the two of them. "Then what do we tell her?" 

"That we're going on a road trip." Ace suggested.

"She's annoying, but she'd not stupid," I whispered. "She knows I'm not on the best terms with you two."

"You aren't?" Dallas frowned. 

I scoffed. "Nope, I'm not."

"Even after all that kissing?" He grinned deviously, as if he wanted to rub it in Ace's face.

"You guys kissed?" Ace scowled, taking the bait.

I crossed my arms. "I didn't want to, according to Dallas it was supposed to keep the men in black away." I shot Dallas a glare. "Clearly, it was all a waste."

"Not all of it. I personally enjoyed the experience."

I shoved him, earning a bout of laughter.

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