Hanji fixes her glasses, "10 years, Levi. Maybe she thinks something like.. 'Jeez I'm tired of being with him, to think that I had to get flowers for a woman who loves him. Can't he just get it himself ? It's his woman after all and-"


"Spit it out, four eyes." He sighs.

"I have come to a conclusion that..." Hanji makes a drumroll movement with her hands, "She likes you !"

Levi can't help but let his mouth gaped a little, "Why the hell do you think-"

"She's probably jealous, shorty. She's tired and jealous, that's why she wants to end everything including working for you."

After hearing Hanji's conclusion, he becomes silent for a solid one minute.

'She likes me..?'

"Hey ? Earth to Levi. You okay there ? You're zoning out, shorty."

Levi was pulled away from his thoughts as Hanji snaps her fingers right in front of his face. "Tch." He slaps her hand away from his sight, "I don't see why she would like me. There's nothing in me that-"

"Oh please.." Hanji rolls her eyes, "can't you see that girls are literally drooling over you everytime you walk out of your 'oh so clean' office ? Do you not notice it ?"

"Lying won't get you anywhere shitty glasses."

She throws her hands in the air, "I'm not, you're just too blind to notice," she frantically exclaims, "hell, even there were rumours that women employees from other companies have a crush on you."

"Well I guess they're the blind ones." Now it's Levi's turn to roll his eyes.

Sure, Levi knows that he used to be popular among girls back to the days he attended college. At first, he didn't realize it, until his friends told him so. Levi actually can't see what the girls see in him. He's a clean freak, people made fun of his height, and he's not the type of person that has a friendly or attractive aura.

--- End of Flashback --- A talk with Hanji--

Levi blinks once.

Then twice.

He has yet to realize that almost for the past few days the thought of his secretary is lingering in his mind. Hell, even Kenny heard about this.


"The bio business has been approved by the FDA, and we're onto acquiring Global Airlines. And- Oi, are you listening or what ?"

Levi was busy discussing something regarding the company with Kenny, until he notices that his uncle stops paying attention and zoning out instead. It's very unlike him, considering that Kanny tends to pay attention carefully and come up with an answer sharply.

The nephew clicked his tongue in annoyance, "You must have something to say, I can tell by the way you're fiddling with your cigarette."

"...Are you really not going to get married ?"

"No." Levi replies almost immediately, in a blunt way. Good grief.. Why do people ask about marriage related things these days..?

Kenny clears his throat, "Man.. is it just me or is it getting hard to breathe here ?"


"Ah shit.. I'm getting old, Levi."

Levi narrows his eyes, "You've had the time to go to your private doctor and stop smoking, but you didn't do it. That's why you have difficulty to breathe. Your lungs are slowly rotting, old man."

"Huh.. I wonder why.. I don't think I'll last long."

"I know you're not sitting here and just talking about how soon you'll die. Just get to the fucking point, don't you have a better excuse ?"

His nephew caught him red handed, so Kenny decides to just give in and give a piece of his thoughts, "Before this old man of yours dies, he wants to see a grandson. I don't give a shit about who you bring." Kenny cackled a laugh.

Levi stays silent, he's too tired to deal with Kenny's play right now.

Oh how wrong he is... If only he knew that Kenny was being serious...

"And I heard that your secretary's quitting."

This time, Levi opens his mouth, "No she won't."

"I won't let her."

"Heh.." Kenny grins, "That's my little runt."


What's wrong with Levi's Secretary ?  [Levi x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now