Chapter Twenty-Seven

Start from the beginning

Finally landing, I never felt so nervous in my life. I held Andy on my hip, making sure that she was safe away from the crazy fans that came to see us arrive at the airport. Screaming and clawing happened a lot and as Andy touched her hand to my face, I could feel the fear that she had, matching the same fear I had years ago when I first started this life. I wiped away the tears in the corner of her eyes as we tried as hard as we could to get out of there.

“Harry,” I called since he was farther up front than he was. He heard me over the noise and came back. “Take her please. You’re much faster than I am.” He nodded his head and took Andy out of my grip. She looked back at me with more tears in her eyes as Harry took me away. She reached her hand out to me and I could already sense what she was going to say. I was just hoping that she wasn’t.

“Daddy,” she cried out. I put my finger over my lips, signaling her to be quiet but she was too hysterical. “Daddy! Daddy!”

Go with Harry, I’m fine.

“But-“ I shook my head.

You’re safer with him right now.

She lowered her hand and continued to look back at me with tears in her eyes. I looked around and most of the fans were putting two and two together while the rest were still clueless. I sighed, knowing that my cover was blown for this and that there was nothing I could do about it now. I couldn’t erase their minds; I didn’t get that power yet and boy how I wish I did right now.

Paul came behind me and put his hand on my back. “It was going to come out sooner or later.” Paul knew everything now. Of course he didn’t believe it at first but I had to tell him. He knew something was up with Andy and that something wasn’t adding up right. The thing about Paul is that he’s caring and understanding even when he doesn’t know what you’re going through. He’ll be there no matter what and that’s what he did when I finally told him. He respected the idea that I didn’t want to tell the rest of management just yet but he thought that I should tell them soon so maybe they would know what to do. I knew that was a lie; no one knows what to do.

We made it out in one piece, which I was very thankful for. I was the last one out and when I got outside Andy came up and ran to me, wrapping her arms around my waist and hugging tightly. “I thought you were gone,” she sobbed into my shirt.

I picked her up and put her around my hip, making her wrap her arms around my neck. “You know I would never leave you like that.” I kissed her on top of her head and hugged her close to me. “You’re all I have.”

“And you’re all I have.” Everyone was silent as Andy and I had our little moment. Of course I thought she was exaggerating but she’s just a little “kid”, it’s what they do. I looked up at Harry and mouthed ‘thank you’. He nodded his head and got into the car.

Harry POV

When I saw the fear in Andy’s eyes, I knew that she only wanted one person and that was Niall. There was no one else who could protect her more and when Niall told me to take her, I was hesitant at first but took her anyways, being that I could get her out of there faster than Niall could, human pace. I knew that once she started crying for Niall, people would get the hint. She wasn’t thinking when she let it slip out. My only priority was to get Andy out of the madness.

The car ride to the hotel was a bit awkward for once. Everyone was scared of what we got called here for and we thought it would be about Andy and Niall. We knew that we couldn’t keep this secret for long but we at least thought we could keep it longer than this. Andy actually began to fall asleep again as jet lag hit her hard being that it was her first time on a plane. We made sure to check into the hotel and put her to bed before we went to the meeting. Lou was actually kind enough to stay with her being that Lux had fallen asleep as well.

“Boys,” Rob said as we all filed into the room. “I’m guessing you don’t know why we called you all the way to America.”

“It would be nice to actually know something for once,” Louis said as he took a seat to my right as Niall was on my left.

“Always the smartass, Mr. Tomlinson. We brought you here for business of course. We have an idea, a way actually, to bring in more sales to your new album that’s out now.”

“You don’t think we already have enough sales,” I asked not really interested in yet another meeting about our sales. We made enough and everyone knew it. These people were money hungry,

“Actually Harold,” I ground my teeth. I hated it when they called me that. “We would like to see more. You remember Taylor Swift?” We all nodded our heads, not understanding what she had to do with this. “Well, meet your new girlfriend Harry, the one that’s going to help us bring in more sales.”

“Bald guy say what now?”

My Immortal (A Niall Horan/One Direction Story) {Book 1}Where stories live. Discover now