"That was a wonderfully made meal, Mrs. L/n - Thank you," Iida smiled. 

"Aw, you're too sweet."

"Just telling the truth." Mrs. L/n was easily flattered by this and smiled greatly as she grabbed the used dishes to take to the sink. Iida then stood as well, "Is there anything I can help with?"

"Oh please, sit, relax," She waved off.

"I insist," Iida grabbed the dishes she missed along with anything else, and placed the items by the sink, "I'll wash these, and you go sit, please." 

"No! You don't have to do that, I got it!"

But it was a little too late for convincing him not to, considering he was already putting on the rubber gloves. 

Mrs. L/n shook her head and turned towards Y/n who was already seated in the living room with her father, "Y/n! Help Iida load the dishwasher!"

"I don't need any help Mrs. L/n, I'm perfectly capable."

"She's my daughter, I'm making her help you."

Once y/n came back to the kitchen, they easily settled on Iida rinsing the dishes, and y/n loading them - Letting it take almost half the time it would normally take with Iida's quick and robotic motions. 

"Have you started to take note of anything for the project?" Iida asked.

Y/n shrugged while placing a plate into the rack, "Not yet, but I guess I'll do it tonight. Have you?"

"I did all of yesterday, and I intend to complete all of today when I get home."

"You're sure on top of things."

"Of course! I believe every good student should."

"I guess that doesn't make me a very good student..."

"How come? I normally see you completing work at a decent pace."

"I've turned in my fair share of work around a month late..."

"L/n! That's obscene!"

"Eh, whatever."

"I can see why Ms. Harris put us together now."

Y/n's jaw dropped, "Uh, rude! I'm getting better!"

"There's not much more time for you to improve," He said matter-of-factly.

"I didn't know you had insults and comebacks in you, Iida..."

"I just tell the truth, It's only fair to people."

"I guess." The pairing completed the dishes by the end of the conversation and they finally came back to the living room to see that y/n's mom had turned on Drag Race. Y/n was petrified, "Mom! While he's over?!"

"Yeah, what's so wrong about it?"

Her eye twitched and tried to explain with her eyes, her mom's confusion making it clear that it wasn't working, "I don't know if he'll get it, plus we're in the middle of the season!" She tried to play it off as something different than she was thinking. 

"Ohh, that's right!" She turned towards the guest in question, "Iida, do you know about drag queens?"

"Not particularly, no."

"Well, they-"


Iida then checked his watch after seeing the view out the window, "Actually, I should probably be getting home. We have school tomorrow and would like to get to bed at a decent hour."

Y/n's mom had forgotten, "That's right! Sounds like a good idea."

"I'll just ring the chauffeur to come and pick me up."


"Yes. My family has multiple assistants and butlers alike."

"Interesting. I'll have to ask more the next time you're over."

"I'd be glad to tell you more." Quickly, he notified the driver and he was over quite soon, considering that he didn't live far. 

Arax escorted him out of the door and to the car sitting by the driveway, the door being held open by the driver. "I guess I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Indeed you will, do not fret."

"Trust me, I'm not worrying," She joked.

"Very funny, l/n... Please don't forget to log this weekend."

"I'll try!" With that, the car door was closed, and he was off back home, y/n heading back inside. 

Immediately, she was hit with the sound of her mother, "HE'S SO CUTE Y/N!"




1792 words

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