𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗢𝗻𝗲

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Starting A/N: Italics are diary notes, this story has povs :)
  "Karl are you gonna eat that?" The brunette with a orange headband asked politely, whilst sitting across from Karl. He had a well toasted bread sandwhich on his plate, along with carrots and a water. He had been sitting there for a while, staring into blank space avoiding his food. Still, he avoided Tina's question from not paying attention. She leaned over the table to clap in Karl's face, finally catching his attention.

   He furrowed his brows at the short brunette girl, before finally letting out a response. "Huh? What did you ask Tina." He sputtered out. "Were you not listening?" Corpse lifted his head up from the table, butting in. "Well if he asked what did you ask, maybe he didn't hear you dumbass." Making everyone at the table chuckle. Tina rolled her eyes at his comment, before proceeding to ask her previous question again. Karl shook his head no, and slid his tray across the table to her. Tina quickly unwrapped the sandwhich before biting into it, receiving the stare of everyone around her. "What? I haven't ate today." She asked putting her hand over her mouth giggling. The group of friends chuckled amongst her, before shaking their head and moving on to the next topic.

   "Recently Karl you've out of it, are you ok?" Brooke kindly asked. If something was wrong, Brooke was usually the one to notice. It was true though, for the past week before school, during lunch, gym, free periods and after school Karl had seem to never pay attention. It would always seem as if he was distracted, like something was heavily on his mind. "We're you friends, you know you can tell us anything right?" Sykunno smiled before sliding over the blue bench to hug him.

  The brunette male let out a small sigh, running his hands through his messy brown hair. He hesitated a bit before answering, but maybe telling his friends would lift a weight off his shoulder? "It's just.. Recently my parents have been arguing more about something, and it just been annoying. For some reason it's about me, and they won't tell me. It's hard to try and be positive when your parents can't stop screaming at each other the moment you walk in and out the door." That did feel quite a better. He felt the heavy overbearing weight slowly lift off of his shoulders. Knowing he can tell his friends anything, they had been a crew since the 6th grade.

   His friends sat in silence for a few, not that it was a bad silence. Before 5up finally spoke up. "From someone who had parents argue everyday and even sometimes physically fought until they divorced, I know you're stressed. But please try to not worry about it, don't think about them. And if it's something about you it isn't bad, just keep your head up and be the same smiley Karl as per usual." He had just hummed along, everyone at the table agreeing with 5up's statement.

   It made him feel bad for a second, Karl was easy to always degrade his situation to others. His parents were wealthy, and other than occasional fights, they were fine. Unlike 5up's parents who had a domestic violence trial that the whole city knew about. Karl let out another sigh. Why would I complain about parents around 5up when his was worse than mine.. Karl thought to himself. It's like 5up could read his mind, because he automatically hugged Karl to try and cheer him up. "I know what you're doing, you have a right to talk about your issues too." He whispered in his ear. Karl nodded, returning the hug.

   As per usual Sykunno let out a joke, uplifting the mood of the group. There Karl was, back to his original smiley self, laughing along with his friends.


    Hesitantly, Karl got his keys and unlocked the front door. Hands shaking, struggling to put in the tiny metal key. Once he got it in he took a deep breath and pushed the door foward. Yet surprisingly, his parents wasn't yelling. You could hear the tv quietly through the halls, and the smell of clean clothes from the laundry room. He walked down the hall meeting his parents sitting on the couch. He immediately caught their gaze, which for once wasn't intimidating.

Dear Diary -KarlnapWhere stories live. Discover now