Chapter 22: Yay Me!

Start from the beginning

"Because. I don't like the way you look at her. We know about you and your womanising ways. And you look at her like she's your next challenge, Stay away from our mate!" He snaps, anger twisting his face.

"Don't act so high and mighty, I bet you were all the same as me before you met her and don't tell me what to do, Zander. I told you earlier she likes the way I look at her and as for staying away! I'd like to see you make me." It's never going to happen, they will eventually know she's mine too and hopefully all this hostility will vanish.

"It won't be just him making you. And it's irrelevant if we were the same. She's our mate and we don't like the way you are around her." Blake I think it was, agreed. I can see them all getting back to being hostile, in the set of their jaws. Again only Caleb is standing there rolling his eyes at them. I wonder why he doesn't have a problem. 

"Fuck me! You can't even be honest with yourselves can you!" I laugh

"And what's that supposed to mean?" Dravon growls

"What It means is, it has nothing to do with the way I act around her. You don't like how she reacts to me. Now I can see she's fine, I'll take my leave! Thanks for the drinks, Caleb" I say as I start walking down the steps

"What makes you think that? And Why the fuck do you care how she is anyway!?" The demon yells. I really need to remember their names. And I know because I listened to some of their innermost thoughts. 

"I don't think so, I know so. I have my ways! And I don't care how she is!" I yell over my shoulder

"Now who's the lair?!" I hear Caleb say. I stop and look back at him. He has a knowing smirk on his face. I narrow my eyes and try to get something from him, but he's either blocking me somehow or he knows what I can do and isn't thinking things on purpose. 

"I don't know what you're talking about. See ya tomorrow!" I say then carry on walking

"If you say so!" He yells. I think he knows more than he's letting on! So at least I have one of them on my side. Once I get to my room I shower and lay in bed, with my hands behind my head. I'm thinking of all the ways I can tease and goad her tomorrow. I can't wait.


My father asked me to see him this morning. He wants to talk about Tejus and how that's going so far. I can't stand the guy. He wasn't wrong. It is in the way she reacts to him. And when I asked Aurora she had no answer other than he was there and she was excited. I know it was a load of shit and she just wasn't telling me but I wasn't going to push it either. She's been through enough but I will be watching him. I walk into my father's office and sit in the chair opposite him as he's on a call.

"Yes, he's here now. I'll make sure of it, Jenus. Yes. I'll talk to you soon. Bye" He puts the phone down in its reciever and sits back in his chair

"Well? How's it going so far?" He asks, eyebrow raised In question

"It's going fine. The sentry's territory is coming along. I expect a few more weeks and it will be done. I haven't managed to do much in gaining knowledge on his fighting skills or learning what gifts they have as I've been busy with Kylie."

"How is my new Daughter-in-law?. I hope she's well? And what do you think of Tejus?" 

"She's OK. She shifted yesterday, she's a beautiful white wolf, though her coat glows different colours. Not sure why! As for Tejus! I can't say I like him all that much!" I grumble

"Interesting, I believe that is something the original elemental could do. It's like a mood ring. You just need to learn what colours mean. Can she do it in her dragon form? And why do you dislike Tejus?" I knew he knew more than he told me. I wish he would just tell me everything he knows but until it's relevant he leaves us in the dark. 

"I'm not sure I'd have to ask her. It's not something she did right off when she shifted to a dragon. Which is why I don't know, but it did happen right away when in wolf form! I just don't like him. He's rude, arrogant, thinks he's better than everyone else and it pisses me off how he is around Kylie. He's a womaniser and looks at her like she's his next meal.!" I exclaim. Talking about it is just passing me off more because now all I see is her jumping on him and licking his face and the smell of her arousal when all he mentioned was having a good shower!

"And what of Alpha Declan? He's another mate is he not?" 

"Funnily enough I don't know. We haven't heard from him. He only talks to Kylie. And I think that's few and far between. He's due to visit her soon. I don't like him either! But yes she thinks he is, says she feels the pull and bond, just not as strong as it was with us. We think it's because he's only an Alpha. I'm not sure she really knows what's right or wrong with a mate bond though as she didn't know of it until us. Why?" I'm curious as to what he's trying to get at.

"Well if he is, you will have to get used to him and he will have permission to move his pack onto the outskirts so he can still be the Alpha of his pack and be with her. And as for Tejus, I want you to invite him to live with you. I want him to feel welcome and like he's been here and grown up with you. Jenus is hoping you will all rub off on him in a good way and stop his un-princelike behaviour. And I think it's a good idea."


"Zander!" He says in warning. Well I don't give a shit

"No. I just told you how he is around her and you now want him to live with us. No. He won't want to anyway!" I snap

"Don't give him a choice then! but I wasn't asking Zander. Stop acting like a child. It's not forever, just a few weeks. Now see it done." He commands. Fuck!

"This is bullshit! It's our house, the others aren't going to agree either. Well other than Caleb! He seems to have taken a liking to him." I explode

"You will do as I say. It may be your house but I am still your Alpha, boy. You're not king yet! You may go. I expect it to be done by the end of the day!" He dismisses me. Gritting my teeth I get up, almost knocking the chair over and storm towards the door. I turn and shout

"THIS IS FUCKING BULLSHIT, FATHER!" His eyes flick to me, then back to his work. I leave, slamming the door behind me. I hope he says no and manages to stay away! But I now have to tell the guys. Yay me!

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