It was an unconscious effort, really, but Bright's fingers twirled within the brown strands as the phone rang.

".. hello?" Mike answered tiredly.

"Hey. I need you to tell everyone I'm going to be a little late tomorrow."

"... Bright, please tell me you aren't backing out-"

"No, I'm not backing out of the deal. I'll go to the dinner. I'm just going to be late for work."

"Your dad was going to talk with you tomorrow."

"... I'll still have time to speak with him."

"..." Mike let out a long sigh, "I feel like there is something you aren't telling me. You've been weird lately."

Bright glanced down at Win and smiled.

".. it's something alright."


"Think this is good enough for them?" Win asked snidely, following Bright down streets filled with stores. With gum smacking between his lips, he glanced down at his clothing with a frown. He was only wearing a t-shirt and jeans, things he had bought with Jeanie the other day. He figured he should have at least one thing somewhat-normal instead of dressy, though Win did not understand why the t-shirt was so expensive when he was sure he could get one that looked just like it for around eight-hundred-fifty baht . Stupid brand names.

"They're going to serve you no matter what you look like," Bright answered firmly, stopping in front of a store and turning around. Win stopped in front of him, glaring at the large glass windows dubiously, "However, you only get respect when respect is deserved. Straighten up and spit out that gum."

Win's glare shifted to Bright at the order, but he found himself righting himself anyway. With a swift turn of the head, the gum launched from his lips, right into a trashcan they were passing by.

"I cannot believe you just did that," Bright commented, making Win grin. With that, Bright leaned down and grabbed Win's hand within his own, pulling him into the store.

Win looked down at their hands in surprise. What was he, a child?

... he didn't really mind, though.

"Excuse me!" Bright made his presence known. Immediately, a sales woman came to the rescue, and Bright dropped Win's hand.

"Yes sir, how may I help you?" She asked kindly, cupping her hands together in front of her body.

"I would like to see the store manager. Is he available today?" Bright asked politely. Behind the man's back, Win scrunched up his face and mouthed the neat words in mocking, followed by a light gag. It apparently wasn't light enough, for the sales woman curiously leaned to one side to try and see Win clearly.

"Um, sir, are you alright?"

"Haha, peachy," Win grinned, ignoring Bright's questioning look. The sales woman nodded, unsure, before looking back up at Bright.

"I believe he's in, if you'll just wait one moment," she spoke, bowing lightly before scurrying off to the back of the store.

"What do you need the manager for?" Win inquired, glancing over wracks of business suits.

"It's easier to get exactly what you need if you ask the man in charge," Bright answered, grabbing a shirt and holding it up to Win's body, "... red looks good on you."

"... anything looks good on me, Brightly," Win retorted, making Bright chuckle and put the shirt back on the wrack.

"Wear that dress Jeanie gave you and then tell me that."

such a beauty and a mess Where stories live. Discover now