01 | the heart of a mortal

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    " The door on your left will bring you to the afterlife. Good luck ," the lady grim reaper said with a sweet smile.

The silvery soul in front of her nodded , slowly standing up and began to approach the door. Halfway though , she halted.

    " Is it nice up there ? " the soul asked.

    " Don't worry , you did well in this life ," the grim reaper replied sincerely .

The soul nodded again , now gaining a new streak of confidence. A small grin twinged on her lips as she opened the door , and walked through it , without looking back. 

The grim reaper just stared at the door , wondering what it would be like up there. Grim reapers don't die - they're immortal. 

The lady grim reaper picked up the single tea set , which had been filled with memory removing tea earlier. 

' Memories.  I wonder what's it like. It makes you happy , but also makes you suffer at the same time. Seeing how much it impacts humans , I'd rather not have any .'

She cleaned the tea set , and wiped the dusty furnitures that adorned the tearoom.
    " Ah , this routine again ," she murmured .

She grabbed her black hat and slipped it on , before teleporting back to her apartment. She removed her shoes and hat before slumping lazily against the couch , and flipped on the television. 

' Today's breaking news. The Konoha Police Force are now officially searching widely for an anonymous woman , who reportedly had saved the life of Uchiha Itachi, the heir of the influential Uchiha clan.
She was last seen in an all black attire , and wearing a very noticeable black hat. Please call the police helpline if you happened to spot her .'

After that , a CCTV recording of the event was played. Her face blanched at the thought of millions of the citizens in Konoha might be watching the same thing.

     " Fuck ," she mumbled , her eyes trailing on the television screen.  
Of course , the wind just had to fly her hat away , and voila , she suddenly appeared from thin air .

Suddenly , she heard a loud knock from the front door , and the patterns of it screamed urgent .

    " Chief ! Chief ! " the red haired reaper called out , and a look of relief flashed on his face when she came out.
      " What is it , Cat ?" she addressed.
Grim reapers don't have names , only the surname ' Park' , but this certain reaper adopted the nickname ' Cat ' , mainly due to his love for the furry animal .

       " Chief , I received orders from the headquarters.  You are to go to ... Uh.. "

Cat retrieved a pink sticky note from his blazer pocket , and analysed it.
    " To the Elder's office. They wanted to see you , it seems. Woah Chief , maybe you're going to be promoted to a higher rank ! " Cat grinned.

She smiled bitterly at his words.
    ' Promoted to a higher rank ? More like receiving severe discipline measures..'

   " Ah , then I should go now ," she said.
Cat nodded in agreement . " Yes , you should Chief. Then I'll excuse myself ."

Cat bowed to his superior , shortly before he teleported away.

The lady grim reaper let out a sigh as she retrieved her hat , scowling sourly. 

    " Why did I even save him.."


The Elder's office was in its usual clean and immaculate condition , and the cold ambience of it just strenghtened fear curling around her heart.
If there was anything she feared , it was her being in her boss' bad books.

     " Chief Park ?" he spoke as she walked in.
Just like Cat , he also adopted a nickname . 

    ' Noir '

It was French for black , the colour that symbolised death.
    " I saw the mortals' news this morning , and I must say , the contents a very intriguing ," he spoke in a smooth , slick voice.

     " Is this concerning last night's incident? " she asked , swallowing hard.

    Noir nodded , a smirk adorning his sharp features.
     " Now , Chief Park , what you did last night was unacceptable.  Using your ability to lengthen a mortal's life.. " he sighed. 

      " Am I going to be punished ?" she inquired.
Much to her surprise , Noir shook his head with a soft smile.
       " Oh no , Chief Park . However .. I do have a task for you ."

        " And that is ?" 

        " Get closer to Uchiha Itachi. Make him shut his mouth about the incident , or better yet , make him forget. 
Also , the name card was a glitch. His time is far from over , but it appears that someone wants him dead ."

Noir motioned to the shredded name card on his table, and she could barely make out Itachi's name.
    " Protect him , Chief Park . Don't let him die. For he holds the key in finding who you were."

The lady grim reaper stared blankly at the Uchiha Corporations headquarters, swallowing hard .
     '  I'll just come here some other day ,' she thought as she spun her heels to the other direction . 

At that exact moment though , Uchiha Itachi was stepping out from his car .
His eyes were instantly locked with the reaper's , and his face flashed with recognition. Itachi quickly ran towards her and grasped her shoulders , ensuring she had no means of escape .

   " It is you. Miss Grim Reaper ," he smirked.
The reaper's heart skipped a beat , and her face flushed .

      " Grim reaper ? What kind of nonsense are you talking about ?" she huffed , trying to rid herself of the troublesome situation.

       " You and I both know what I'm talking about. I'm very curious to know , who you really are.
I'd hand you to the police , but you did save my life , so I'll keep you as a secret. My own little secret ."

At the moment , she wanted nothing more than to get out of there , but she forgot to bring her hat with her , so teleportation was out of question. 

     " I've never even met you. And here you want to hand me to the police ?" she said , making an angry expression on her face .

Itachi's gentle expression disappeared , and his features hardened. 
    " Listen here , I know what I saw. And just so you know , I'm never letting you go.
I can search the entire planet for you , and there are no means of escape.
Tell me what actually happened that night , and who you are. After that, I'll gladly let you go ."

    " I will , but not now," came her response. 
Itachi raised an inquiring eyebrow, his face softened .

      " Then give me your name and phone number, so I can contact you later. "

She pursed her lips,  her brain wracking for a perfect response. Or to be precise, a lie.

   " It's .. Shinju. Suzuki Shinju . And as for my phone number,  it's 013 - 666 - 4444 ."

Itachi thought the phone number was peculiar , and her name didn't suit her at all.
     " So , when shall I see you , Suzuki-san ? " he asked.

      " I'll see you , if our paths cross . On a day like that , I'll definitely see you ."

ᴛᴏ ᴍʏ ᴅᴇᴀʀᴇꜱᴛ ᴍɪꜱꜱ ʀᴇᴀᴘᴇʀ // ɪᴛᴀᴄʜɪ ᴜᴄʜɪʜᴀ ᴀᴜOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora