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first of all, im so so sorry for not updating this book. i've been feeling insecure ab my writing lately and would like to improve it as much as i can :) and second 17k+ reads with 2k+ votes? are you guys serious? 😭 how you guys even bear with my shit🤬 anyways i won't degrade myself more and thank you so much I'm so grateful to y'all that we can kiss 🤬😙


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"What would you have done if your mate turned out to be a werewolf?"

The question itself is scary. Because really what would've he done if things didn't turn out like he prefers to be. Werewolves and weretigers are known as the biggest rivals in their community. They were eyesore to one another yet believing in the same idiom of 'eye for an eye' with no opportunity in sparring another.

Mates are made in heaven they say, the divine deity decides to knot soulmates with red strings. The knots are painful, sore and gut-wrenching until they meet each other; the ache of heart, the boundless love for the same person for ages. Sometimes the longing and yearning desperately for a mate turns each emotion into tears.

Despite of it, anger overpower every emotion of living creatures. Anger ravages everything. It fuels hatred, creates conflict within the inner peace, suppresses love/memories and leads to things which are unforgivable.

"I'd have killed them with my own bare hands."

Seokjin felt his blood go cold.

Mates are bonded to live together for eternity and it burns the heart with a lot of distress and grief when a sudden death of a soulmate occured. It grievously pained to hold your beloved one closer to your chest before they taken away for the last rites. The soulmate mark fades away, the pain of losing a soulmate makes an imprint on the soul; it's agonising. How could Taehyung casually say it? Like it wouldn't lead him to death as well.

The only facial expression which is aligned in is pure hatred. He spoke out of his anger.

"Let's finish him off." Eyes traced to the young Alpha who kept fighting to break himself from the spells of the metal chains making Taehyung's jaw clenched. Seokjin sauntered to his brother who's utterly impatient and speaking rubbish.

"Remember what the King has ordered us." Jin attempted to remind him about certain things.

"We can't harm him until his pack members come forward to negotiate with us."

"The consequences always lead to death after breaking any of the rules, Hyung. Then why are we delaying it?"

Jin let out a frustrated sigh. "Taehyung, let's handle-"

"Or did you forget about what happened a few years back?"

Seokjin uttered a few foul words. "I could never." He murmured, gaze flickering over the young alpha before curling up his fingers into fists. They are helpless under the King's official order. They already have commited a crime by bringing the captive Alpha into the deep woods, near their palace. Now going against the orders could lead to the King's wrath.

"What's wrong, Taehyung?" Jin tilted his head towards him as he asked. While Taehyung sets his eyes upon the little Alpha — who was tied against the shaft of a tree. A string of sharp thorns tangled around his neck — pinning him against the bark — if the Alpha tried to budge an inch from his place, his neck would split off from his body.

THE TIGER KING || TKحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن