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Weretigers are half human and half tiger. They can walk upright and also can walk in fourlimbs, depends upon the situation. They can convert into full human form and full tiger form (one form at a time). That's all for now, more information will disclose in upcoming chaps!

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Jungkook opened his eyes to instantly close it as the sunlight was strong enough for his drowsy eyes. It was the first month of the year – soft sun rays were falling upon his porcelain skin causing him to drift into heavy slumber – it was obvious that he was tired after taking 4 classes continuously. 

"Kook, wake up! We have our PE class in a few minutes." 

The husky voice entered through the narrow passage of his ear canal, leading the sound wave to reach its destination, called eardrum. Causing the pretty round head male to groan as it interrupted his sleep. 

"PE class is literally a child labouring class. We should protest against it." Jungkook said lazily, wiping away his drool with the back of his hand after taking a good-ass nap. He sat up, looking around to recognize his surroundings. Oh he's in school. Great. 

"You seemed to look like you haven't gotten sleep for days." 

Jungkook turned to the blonde haired male, whose eyes were looking more droopy under the sunlight of mid-day, cheeks smeared with baby pink colour while blonde locks were leaning on his eyelashes. 

"Yeah, my dad kind–" Jungkook paused in the middle of his sentence. "Um, nothing. Anyways, we're getting late." He stood up, dusting off his bum, refusing to look at his best friend. 

"Kook, y'know you can share–" 

"We're getting late, Yoongi." Jungkook cut him off.  

Yoongi sighed, looking down at the book on his lap. 

"No one will be able to understand your feelings unless you talk about it." 

"Then become a mind reader." Jungkook mumbled under his breath, picking up his backpack from the ground. Yoongi rolled his eyes before standing up. 

"Anyways did you see the new kids? They're like Eiffel tower." Yoongi snickered, slung his bag over shoulder, jogging to Jungkook to match steps with him. 

A cease drew in between Jungkook's eyebrows. 

"I mean they're so tall." Yoongi clarified himself, throwing his arm around Jungkook's shoulder who was confused as he didn't notice anyone in their class. Oh probably because he was dozing off in morning classes. Fuck, he'd love to take another nap after his PE class. 

"Where's Hoseok? I haven't seen him since morning." Jungkook said, getting out of the basketball court along with Yoongi.

"Don't make me miss him more. He went to his family vacation with some of his stupid cousins."

Jungkook chuckles at the reply.

"I'm going to wash up my face. See you in class." Jungkook spoke out as they walked into the corridors of their school. Small ocean of students with the chattering sound of their talking filled up the hallways. Yoongi hummed in agreement before walking away from there. 

Jungkook walked into the restroom, putting down his backpack over the surface near the wash-basin. He turned on the water tap and froze. 


He might be hearing things but – what the actual fuck – a series of sinful moans came out of nowhere following the first moan. Whereas Jungkook just froze on his spot, his feet stickied on the ground, eyes wide like saucers and mouth gaping in disbelief. 

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