All the boys remained quiet and Seokjin sighed as he sat down on the couch,

"Look, I'll make some calls.. and we won't have to worry about paying him anymore, okay?"

The boys nodded although they looked unsure, and after that discussion everyone went to their rooms to get some rest.

Just as Yoongi and Seokjin were going to go to sleep, Yoongi closed their bedroom door and said in a quiet yet stern tone,

"Look, I know you want to do the right thing here Hyung, but seriously? I mean.. just think of the boys, you don't thin-"

"Don't start that argument with me again Yoongi! I know how unfair it is for the others to also help make money but what other choice do we have?! We have to pay the principal, we have to pay those hospital bills and I know... I KNOW we have our own bills to pay but the second we stop paying that bastard, they're going to take Jungkook away from us and put in a foster home... or worse.. he'll be sent back with his mother. Now is that something you want?!"

"Of course I don't want that for him! But-"

"No buts Yoongi, you know we have no other choice."

Seokjin sighs as he kicked off his shoes in frustration, he was about to lie down when Yoongi hesitantly asks;

"Hyung.. who are you going to call?"

Seokjin layed down on his bed while Yoongi stayed seated in his, waiting for an answer and after a moment of silence, Seokjin whispered;

"Lee Hyun, he said to call him if anything like this happened."

Yoongi looked at Seokjin in surprise as he didn't expect that they would need Lee Hyun's help, sure he was also his big brother but they all hardly spoke to him due to him being away at University.
But Yoongi trusted him so he was sure that he had a way to help them,

"Okay.. goodnight Hyungie."

Yoongi said softly as he turned off the lamp on his light stand and layed down on his bed to go to sleep.

- 5 days later -

After the boys had their talk that night Jungkook came home and apologized, the boys did their best to spend time with him by taking him to the Amusement park, the Carnival and the Zoo, but although the boys would put in so much effort to spend time with their baby brother,

He would always be on phone either checking messages or calling the hospital for an updates on Yn's condition.

- At home -

When they all arrived home, Jungkook went straight to his room and locked the door,

"I'm sure everything will be back to normal as soon as Yn wakes up, right guys?" Hoseok says smiling and the others nodded as they truly believed that Jungkook would be back to normal once Yn was better. They just need to be patient.


Explaintion time:

"We'll keep paying the principal and once Jungkook is ready to come back, things will be fine." - Seokjin

Now what Seokjin means is that for the whole month that Jungkook was in the hospital, and missing school.... Seokjin had a meeting the principal about Jungkook's absence and Yn's accident but the principal didn't give 2 fucks about Yn's condition and demanded that Seokjin pay him a certain amount of money or that he'll reveal to everyone in the next school board meeting that one of their students had been missing school for _________ reason.

So as Seokjin agreed, he went home and explained his the meeting went for him and about the principal's demands, and immediately Namjoon and Yoongi wanted to report this to the police but Seokjin reminded them that they COULDN'T go to the police because this whole school incident would make them look like bad guardians and make the police forcefully remove Jungkook from their home and into foster care since the boys are the only one's who have legal guardianship over Jungkook.... since MAMA J went to jail and although she is out of jail now.. the bitch got NO right to see her son. So court that day, the judge saw that boys were capable of taking care of Jungkook and allowed them guardianship.

So that is the reason as to why all the boys are working different jobs.

And for those curious as to how in the world, the boys get guardianship over Jungkook, and how they pay their rent with the house they live in.............

This is MY story, sooo just roll with it. 😂😂💜


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