10-safe again

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*jake went home a little later*
"what's up"-jake
"where did you go today"-amy
"would you believe i came home to see my mom"-jake
"no i would not and what happened to your forehead"-amy
"oh that ya i fell off my skateboard"-jake
"no you didn't, andy told us"-amy
"seriously he has a big mouth just like charles"-jake
"why would you tell him"-amy
"i didn't he was there when it happened, all i had to do was find them a private place to do stuff"-jake
"please tell me you didn't"-amy
"of course not i got them the spot with all the hidden cameras,they should be busted for whatever in the next few days"-jake
The spot in the evening the next day
jake and amy explained the whole thing to the others.
"they got arrested again,this morning"-jake
"that's awesome"-charles
"now you can visit your dad, i'll come i want to see roger"-gina
"ya he died, it was super sad"-jake
"yesterday, thats where i went super sad"-jake
"did you get that scar at the funeral"-rosa
"yes, someone brought their pet wolf there"-jake
"not, the wolf again"-charles
"did i use that one before"-jake
"yes you have like three times"-gina
"why can't you see your dad"-rosa
"oh roger, ya i don't want to see him"-jake
"why not he's your dad, and he's awesome"-gina
"no he's roger not my dad and he blames me for getting hurt, he thinks that what leo did was the right thing, him going to jail was all my fault"-jake
"oh sorry dude, how about later we all go skateboarding to celebrate their arrest"-gina
"let's do it"-rosa

They went skateboarding that day and had the time of their lives. they went to highschool together, and college and stayed together for the rest of their lives.They all decided that they wanted to become detectives so they went through the academy together and went to the same precinct.
Jake and amy got married a little after college,rosa and gina started to date during highschool and got engaged after jake and amy's wedding, charles got married to genevieve, leo and his friends are still in prison for whatever they did in that spot...

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 14, 2021 ⏰

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