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jake is bestfriends with charles and gina on the south side of town.Amy and Rosa are bestfriends on the north side of town.The summer of sophomore year amy and rosa were hanging out and they met jake.For the next years 2 years of highschool they hung out a lot but jakes friends were wondering where he was going so senior year he started to hang out with them more. jake amy and rosa still talked but not a lot in person.(Jake and sophia are dating, amy and teddy are dtaing,teddy and sophia also go to brooklynNY but the live closer so they decided to drive to and from the college.)

Jakes POV
Today me and my bestfriends start college at Brooklyn NY. It's not that far away from where we lived before but we still got a dorm. Charles and gina have never met amy or rosa, they don't even know i'm friends with them.I hope we all get to share a dorm.

Amys POV
Today is the day we get to go to college even though classes don't start for 2 weeks. Me and my two bestfriends rosa and jake are going to the same college.Jake told me his friends wanted to stay close to home and decided on Brooklyn NY college. The college is a little less than an hour away from my place.When jake told me where he was applying for college and i asked rosa if we could apply and she surprisingly said yes. She won't show it but she was excited when i asked if we should go with him.I hope jakes friends are nice because we will be hanging out a lot more.

At school
*they all arrived but went on different tours jake gina and charles were first but not long after amy and rosas tour left*
"you will be sharing a room with amy santiago, and rosa diaz"-teacher
"wait really"-jake
*jake was so happy, all his bestfriends living together for the next 4 years*
"wait, aren't they from the north side of town"-gina
"ok, but if we have to live with them for the next four years might as well be friends"-charles
"yes i agree let's all be friends"-jake
*they got in the dorm room and were just chilling until amy and rosa's tour was done*
"what's up loser"-rosa
"it's about time you're here"-jake
*they all hugged*
"hey, were still here"-gina
"this is charles and gina, and this is amy and rosa"-jake
"Aren't you from the north side"-gina
"ignore her she can be cranky"-jake
"should we decide who gets what room"-charles
"ya sure i want this room i don't care who i share with"-gina
"ok, i want the room with one bed it will be easier to set up my machines"-charles
"stop you can have the room you don't have to explain"-jake
"ok i'll share with gina"-rosa

in amy and jakes room
"hey i'm going to be late coming back today"-jake
"it's cool i probably will too"-amy
"what are you doing"-jake
"seeing teddy, i should be back for 10 though"-amy
"have fun, i have to see sophia and malachi"-jake
"ok try and be quiet when you come in"-amy
"i will"-jake

"hey sophia, have you seen malachi"-jake
"no why"-jake
"he texted me multiple times too meet him but he didn't say where"-jake
"ok, i'll call you if i see him"-sophia
"ok i'll call you later, i think i'll just go back to my dorm"-jake
"text me where and i'll come visit"-sophia
"ok bye"-jake
*jake was walking to his car when he noticed malachi around the corner*
"Malachi what are you doing here"-jake
"are you going to break up with my cousin for that girl"-malachi
"who are you talking about"-jake
"i saw you and her walking around campus with your other friends"-malachi
"who amy, sophia knows her,she knows i don't like her"-jake
"whatever, meet here if i ever text you again"-malachi
*they both walked away in different directions*

brooklyn 99 - youngerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ