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Rosa and Gina are on their way to the docks while leo and charles check the street
"how did you find this dock"-amy
"honestly, when i was 7 i was playing soccer and my ball went through the path so i came her and found this"-jake
*amy sat up straighter*
"whats wrong"-jake
*she kissed him and he kissed back*
"for what"-jake
"kissing you, it's just that i really like you"-amy
"ames it's cool i like you too"-jake
*they kissed again but this time it was interupted*
"what the hell"-rosa
*they turned around*
"why did you run away and why are you kissing"-rosa
"i ran away because i heard leo come in"-jake
"keep going"-gina
"oh ya and we kissed because, when two people like each other..."-jake
"STOP, i don't need the lesson i get it"-rosa
*jake and amy just laughed*
"come on we have to go meet the boys"-gina
"ok bye have fun, i'll be here"-jake
"come on this isn't his fault"-rosa
"yes it is, he has cameras set up everywheres i go, even your houses"-jake
"how do you know that"-amy
"because i'm not stupid and i saw him break in your houses"-jake
"just go to your houses and look in your rooms"-jake
"your coming with us"-gina
"no i'm not"-jake
"why not"-amy
"because he only set the cameras in your houses to watch me so the next time his boys come for me he doesn't need to guess"-jake
"i thought they stopped that when he started to stay with you"-amy
"he did his boys didn't"-jake
"what'd they do"-gina
*he lifted up his shirt,he had a bunch of scars on his stomach*
"did you even take care of them"-rosa
"yes i did, i cleaned the blood"-jake
"dude that's going to leave a mark"-gina
"i don't care at this point"-jake
"let's go home"-jake
"why, do you want to see him now"-gina
"no i want to pack a bag"-jake
"your going to get caught"-rosa
"not if i go through the window"-jake
"fine let's go"-rosa
"tell them you didn't find us"-jake

"hurry up they're coming"-amy
"ok, i'm coming"-jake
*he jumped out of his window while charles rosa leo and gina walked in the house*
"are you sure he wasn't there"-leo
"positive,we can double check if you want"-rosa
"ok,but i'm hgetting my firends to help"-leo
"ok but i have to talk to gina"-charles
"where is jake, just tell me he's ok"-gina
"oh ya we found him at the docks,he was also kissing amy, they're now dating"-gina
"OH MY GOD NO WAY"-charles
"he told us not to tell leo or charl--,oh no"-gina
"why not me"-charles
"because you have a big mouth and will tell people"-gina
"he was at the docks, just search the town for him"-leo
"what do we do if we find him"-alex
"force him to come home i don't care if it's physical, he will be with amy and his skater friends"-leo
"you really want us to hurt him more"-alex
"yes, i can't but i'm still mad at him, also we all want his girlfriend to be ours so don't touch her, just try and take her from him"-leo
"i thought they weren't dating"-alex
"i heard gina tell charles that they started dating a few hours ago"-leo
"ok call if you find them"-alex
Jake and amy
*they got to jesse and andys neighborhood and went to jesse's place*
"what are you doing here"-jesse
"hiding, you want to come"-jake
"why do i have to hide"-jesse
"because the southsiders are back for us, because of them"-andy
"what did you do"-jesse
"i technically did nothing wrong, it all started because most of them like amy"-jake
"seriously, why would they want to kill us again"-andy
"because we kind of started dating, they hate us three most and now they're all jealous so where should we go"-amy
"wait go back since when were you dating"-jesse
"like an hour ago"-jake
"cool, but maybe we should go"-andy
"because they're right down the road, get your board quick"-jake
*they all skated off and went to the older skate park down the road*
"amy, since when could you skate"-andy
"i taught her like a few days ago"-jake
"aww, love"-andy
"ugh you sound like charles"-jake
"shut up, i can hear them"-jesse
"ok, i have a spot through the woods"-jake
*they all ran through the woods and saw a giant obstacle course*
"woah, how come no one has ever been here"-jesse
"i've only ever brought one person here,it got shut down a long time ago but nothing was wrong, the obstacle course was too big for kids and they kept get injured"-jake
"who did you bring here"-andy
"ya in live 5th grade"-jake
"it's like our secret spot no one ever comes by"-jake
"ya and if you go through there it connects to our street"-amy
"let's go"-jesse

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