7-running away

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Leo, rosa, charles, and gina switched neighborhoods with the gang after they said they saw jake in andy and jesse's neighborhood.
"where are they alex said they were here"-leo
"maybe he saw someone who looked like him"-charles
"no he was positive it was him, he said they ran after him but lost him when he went to the abandoned skatepark"-leo
"why were they running after him"-charles
"ya we just wanted to know if he's ok we don't need to have him home"-rosa
"i have to have him home, he hasn't been home in like a week,nobody will tell me where he went"-leo
"we all know, where he went and why, he already told us"-gina
"what did he tell you"-leo
"you have cameras in all our rooms to watch us"-gina
"why would he think that"-leo
"because he found his and he saw you break into our houses,he also tells us you guys have a crush on amy"-rosa
"ya alex and a few others do, but he forced me to help him"-leo
"don't, he heard the conversation at school, also why'd you tell him you would leave him alone but then have your boys go after him"-charles
"because he gets everything, he got my dad,he has nice friends, he has friends that will do anything for him, he also has a nice pretty girlfriend"-leo
"look for him, hunt him down all you want just not with us"-rosa
"fine, just tell him not to go home"-leo
Jake went to his house to get his phone, he was going to run back to meet the others at the skatepark but he got busted climbing out his window by justin and alex
"when will you learn jake"-alex
"why do you want to hurt me so bad"-jake
"we didn't have to hurt you if you had such and easy life"-justin
"i don't have an easy life, my dad left, my friends are getting hurt, i'm constantly getting hunted down, what part of that sounds easy"-jake
"none of it but we can always make it worse"-justin
*he pulled out his pocket knife*
*he kicked alex so he was free of grip, but on the way justins knife slide on his side, making a small cut*
"ooo that's going to leave a mark"-alex
"i don't care just call your dogs off"-jake
"no, he guys he's over here"-justin
*jake ran through the woods and came out the otherside and snuck back through the path by the skatepark*
"i thought the got you"-andy
"ya is that why you stayed"-jake
"why are you holding your side"-jesse
"they sliced me"-jake
"put pressure stop the bleeding"-andy
"wht does it look like i'm doing"-jake
"peralta we know your here"-alex
"to the other park"-amy
they got to the path to the old skatepark and saw charles, rosa, and gina but no leo
"hey wheres jake"-charles
"right here"-jesse
"where's leo"-amy
"he went with his gang"-gina
*charles noticed his blood stained hands but not his blood stained shirt*
"hey jake why do you have blood all over your hands"-charles
"i killed someone,what does it look like"-jake
*he lifted his shirt to show him his side*
"did they stab you"-rosa
"no they did not"-jake
"they sliced him on the side while he was running away"-amy
"did you put pressure on it"-rosa
"yes but it won't stop"-jake
"ok amy you apply a little pressure, he can't stop it because he was running and he won't put enough pressure"-rosa
"ok, tell me if it hurts"-amy
*he flinched away at the touch but than easied into it*
"we have to find somewheres to hide"-jesse
"ok go into groups of two or three"-rosa
"let's do,me and rosa,charles and andy, jake, amy, and jesse"-gina
"why are we the group of three"-jesse
"in case jake gets weak he'll want someone strong enough to fight them off, so not charles and his girlfriend"-gina
"ok cool, but did you call me weak"-charles
"ya man look at you"-gina
"come on let's just go hide"-amy

Amy,Jake,and Jesse went back to the opstacle course
Andy and Charles went to the field
Rosa and Gina went to the docks

It has been a couple hours since they split up and the only group still hiding is Amy, Jake, and Jesse

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