Chapter Fourteen...

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The next day I had decided against going to class instead I stayed in bed all day and stared at the wall thinking about Blaize, about his smile, his laugh, how funny he could almost always cheer me up, how he was the only person who wasn't starring at me yesterday in the Great Hall, and how much of a jerk I was for saying 'oh' when he had told me that he loved me, I'm truly thankful to have an amazing boyfriend like Blaize I don't know what I would do without him but I don't know if I love him, I want to but you can't base love off of what you want it's more about what you feel and at the moment all I knew was that I was hurting him and I didn't want to be that person I didn't want to cause an more people pain but I didn't want to lie to myself either.

So I sat there and I thought about how I felt for hours until classes were over. 

And later on in the day I had found myself wondering if thing's would ever go back to normal, it seamed like they could but I also wasn't quite sure if I wanted things to go back to normal I'm not even sure if I knew what normal was anymore.

Later that day I was walking around the school grounds alone when I noticed Blaize sitting with Daphne Greengrass, they were just talking but I grew more angry every minute that I was looking at them I never liked Daphne she was always starring at Blaize and giving me dirty looks when he wasn't paying attention.

It hurt to see him sitting there laughing with her, I couldn't stop myself before I knew it I was walking over there and after my legs had walked me there my mouth took over.

"Blaize" he looked up at me.

"yes Rose" he asked

"may I speak to you for a moment"

"um we were kind of busy-" Daphne started but I cut her off

"oh I bet you were but this is far more important then anything you need to say"

Blaize looked surprised but then looked down and said 

"oh really you need to speak to me after avoiding me for hours you need so badly to speak to me what is it Rose juat spit it out" 

I was a little hurt that he had talked to me like that but he had every right to be mad, and he was right I just needed to say it.

"I love you, Blaize Zabini I love you" I said and knowing that I had meant it seeing him with Daphne made me realize how much I needed him in my life, hoe much I loved him.

"really" he asked 

"yes really you think I'd be here if I didn't" I replied.

"I love you Rose, I love you so much"

he then picked me up in his arms and kissed me, when we pulled apart I had noticed that Daphne was gone and I said with a smile.

"should you go find her she might get lost on her way back to the castle" 

he then laughed and said,

"she'll find her own way I have only you to care about" he said and set me down carefully.

He looked at me and there was a moment when a spark flew in his eye before he spoke.

"wait a minute you weren't jealous were you" he had a big cheesy smile on his face.

"oh shut up I was not, why were you even with her in the first place" I asked I was not about to admit to being jealous.

"to make you jealous of course, no but on a real note it was nothing she wanted to talk to me about her feelings, quite boring but I was lonely"  he replied.

"oh you were" I said with a laugh.

We headed back to the dorms and talked about nothing for hours.


heyyy ppl if your still here I really hope that you have enjoyed this story I am hoping with every fanfic that I make i will one day be a great writer to be a better writer i know its not the best but I am trying:)

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