Chapter Six...

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Later on at the end of the year we had found out that Serious Black hadn't betrayed Harry's parents but Ron's pet Scabbers who is now known as Peter Pettigrew. I had met Serious Black before he went into hiding Harry's God father, it was nice for Harry to have someone he could call family of course he has us but someone he could call ask about his parents I could tell that Harry was sad to see him go but I had more on my min.

That day that I had the pleasure of meeting Serious Black there was this feeling, like I had known him my whole life and his eyes, his grey eyes matched mine we had some similar features but there was more it was almost as if everything made since that feeling of not knowing who I was felt like it was lifting but I didn't know why and then he spoke,

"And you must be Rose"

He looked at me as if he knew me, as if he had met me before I froze for a moment starring at this man that I had never met and yet it felt like I knew him I sucked in a breath and then finally spoke,

"yes that's me" I said.

And then with only a few words he left.

Only days later that feeling came rushing back only it was stronger the feeling of not knowing who I was the feeling that I had struggled with since I was little, that feeling could be over powering and unbelievingly unbearable at times, that feeling could take my breath away in seconds that made me feel every mistake I had ever made all put into one moment and though I had made no huge mistakes then, I would find myself making to many later on, I was, lost.

A week before the school year ended I was out in the field reading a book by myself when Draco Malfoys rude self came over plopped down next to me we were the only to in this spot o no ne could see us they were all miles away witch meant that Draco had come all the way over here just to annoy me, or so I thought.

"May I speak to you for a moment" He asked looking over to me.

"about what" I questioned

"look Rose there are some things that you should know, about your family things my mother knows things I should have never over heard her speaking to my father about"

His words concerned me but I was curious.

"What are you talking about Draco this isn't funny it's my family your talking about and how would your mother know anything about me or my family" I spoke slightly annoyed I did want to know what he was on about but the fact that he thought there were things he knew about my family that I did not.

"Look I wasn't going to say anything at first, I have been overhearing my parents for years I wasn't going to tell you until I was sure I fully understood and I think I do now, as much as I can't stand you or your family I think it's only right that you know, but I can't talk about it here to many listening ears"

I was confused what he meant by listening ears but as he walked away I had seen Harry approaching.

"what was that all about" Harry asked as he sat down.

"oh nothing just wanted to annoy me for a moment" I responded quickly

"so where is my brother and Hermione" 

"oh I snuck away so that I could find you It's rare that we ever get a moment alone" he spoke as he stared into my eyes.

"yes it very much is" I said with a smile

"what are you reading"  he asked picking up my book from the grass

"oh its a muggle book Hermione gave me"

"oh yes haven't you read this at least three times since she gave it to you"

"yes well it's my absolute favorite" I said with a laugh

"well why'll I do admire your love for reading I was hoping I could interest you in a more fascinating subject, me" 

I laughed as he was being so adorably cheesy

I nodded and he started to lean in until our lips met in a warm kiss, it was sweet he tasted of lemon and pumpkin juice my first kiss with Harry Potter, how nice. we pulled away right before we heard the annoying voice of my brothers.

"hey Harry Ron was looking for you, Rose what are you doing here, oh wait a minute" Fred spoke

"are you thinking what I'm thinking Freddy" George spoke with a knowing smirk on his face.

"I'm thinking these two fancy each other" Fred spoke with a cheesy smile.

I started to panic when Harry spoke.

"what goodness no I would never do that to Ron she's like a sister to me" he said

I couldn't believe that he cared more about my brothers feelings than my own, and to say I was like a sister especially after he had only minutes ago given me my first kiss. 

I had felt so embarrassed.

"Well with that being said I should go now I have to study with Hermione" I said before walking away with what little pride that I had left I was starting to regret letting Harry kiss me this was a horrible day.

Forever Lost (a Harry Potter Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora