Chapter Ten...

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The next few weeks flew by fast I avoided Harry, Ginny, and my fake brothers everywhere that I went witch meant that I only saw Hermione in the library when we would study together witch wasn't really that often my I didn't really care who knew but then again I hadn't really cared about much of anything for a while now I was lost but I didn't really care about that either.

Blaize and I have been dating for a while now he's pretty cool.

 Today I has already met with Hermione and I was invited to a Slytherin party normally I would just skip it but it was the weekend so I thought 'what the hell imma do it'

I had been hanging out with Pansy were kind of besties now and she's really not that bad...To Slytherins. So we got ready for the party together and she had told about how crazy Slytherin party's are. 

I am kind of for this party Blaize said he couldn't wait to see me there. Although Blaize and I are dating It's still a bit new for me the whole relationship thing but I'm working on it.

"you ready" Pansy asked to witch I replied with a quick yes and we went on our way, witch was just was just down the stairs to the common room.

I knew they said Slytherin party's were crazy but I wasn't thinking it was anything like, there were people so drunk they could barely walk and bottles of unknown liquors empty spread out across the floor and people dancing and or jumping to the loud music.

We walked over to a couch were Draco, Blaize, and Theo, I wasn't sure where Crab and Goyle were but I assumed that they were wherever the snacks were.

I sat down next to Blaize Pansy next to Draco, and was quickly offered a drink by Blaize to witch I excepted. 

"How was your day darling" Draco asked to witch Pansy replied with "it was quite alright " and gave Draco a kiss on the cheek I admired how in love they where I had felt that love once with Harry and I'd hoped to feel it with Blaize some day but we had only been dating for a few weeks now and I was in no rush.

"you want to play a game" Blaize asked 

"sure what game" I replied with a smile

"truth or dare" 

"Blaize you can't be serious last time we played you woke up in Snape's classroom and you were almost suspended" Draco said with a laugh

"yes well we won't do anything that major" Blaize replied 

we all ended up agreeing to play the game and sat on the floor in a circle.

"okay I'll go first....Draco truth or dare" Blaize asked with evil in his eyes 

"Dare of course" he replied with the same look on o his face.

"I dare you to.....Drink an entire bottle of rum" 

"okay that's simple" Draco said 

"with no hands" Blaize smiles at his since of accomplishment 

"fine pansy help me please" Draco asked to witch she just nodded a simple yes.

he tilted his head back and pansy poured it down his throat and Blaize's smirk then faded in dissappointment

"okay my turn" Draco spoke.

We continued the game for about an hour until we were all very drunk and the Dares and truths started to get a bit personal and it was Pansy's turn.

"Rose, truth or Dare" she asked.

"umm....Truth" I was way to buzzed to down another bottle of any liquor so choosing a Dare was out of the question.

"Is it true that you kissed Harry potter" She asked with a smirk on her face.

I paused for a moment but decided to answer besides I wasn't offended by the question.

"yes it is and as not that its any o your business but I have regret it ever since" I said.

I was very confident in my drunken state but the question had still made me a bit uncomfortable but were friends and I assumed that she had only asked because she was drunk and she wasn't mad at my reply no one was we were all to drunk to care.

The night went on and we never stopped drinking witch we would for sure regret the next morning.

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