Chapter One...

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Hi I am Rose Weasley the oldest girl of the Weasley children I am also the only Weasley to be a Slytherin witch I will explain as you read my story so here we go.   

"Ron have you seen my jumper"  I asked

"no I haven't"

"come on children time to go, don't want to miss the train" My mother spoke 

"hey mom can we speak for just a quick sec" I asked the worry almost pouring out of my eyes.

"yes dear what's the matter" 

"um... I just.....What if I don't get into Gryffindor what would happen then" I asked I was so worried I just had this feeling that something would go horribly wrong.

"well then you'll get Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw or even Slytherin and your father and I will love you no matter what" I smiled I love my mother I love my whole family even though they constantly would joke about the fact that I have jet black hair and they all have bright red/orange hair my oldest brother Bill would always give them dirty looks when they joked of my hair and my making all of them confused as to why he cared I never really thought much of it just figured I was his favorite. 

"thanks mom" 

then we had set off to Hogwarts for Ron and I's first year oh I almost forgot Ron and I are twins witch is a bit weird since we don't really look alike but I have met plenty of twins who don't look alike well except Fred and George they are almost the same person although its hard for most sometimes I can always tell them apart even when they try to pull a switch and trick me.

As we were about to walk through the wall I noticed that there was a boy looking like he had no clue where he was going. A muggle, no he doesn't look that clueless.

*an hour later*

turned out that the boy only needed to figure out how to get to the  platform later we had learned that the boy was not only clueless but was the one and only Hay Potter, the boy who lived. 

He soon became great friends with my brother and I he was adorable we shared snacks and story's along the train to Hogwarts and we met a girl who my brother didn't seem to get along with very well but I thought that she was a bright girl for our age I ended up sitting with her for the rest of the train ride, leaving Ron and Harry to talk about whatever why'll we talked about books and what classes we were most excited for. 

My mother always told me how smart I was I always smiled and thanked her not wanting to brag. I loved to read and I loved it when my brothers would get home from school and tell me all about there times at Hogwarts.

Hermione is a muggle born but I have no doubt that she will be an amazing witch and we will be the best of friends.

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