Chapter 2.2

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Finding The Baker

It was late in the afternoon, in the lower east side of New York. Many people pass each other, but none of them really notice each other.

The crowd is all the same, moving as fast as possible to get to their destination, but only one person really matters.

A man with tater clothes and a suitcase was walking back to his apartment after getting rejected by the bank and the weird encounter with the siblings.

The man, obviously sad from the rejections, passed pushcarts, shabby little shops, and apartments. His eyes looked behind him as if to see a certain someone following him with their weird glowy stick.

As he enters his little, dirty room, the furnishing spares and shabby.

He tosses his suitcase on the bed and lets out a breath, looking at a portrait of an old woman which is hanging on the opposite wall of his bed,   
"I'm sorry grandma," he said gloomily.

He sits down at his desk, dropping his head on his hands. He looked to be exhausted from today's events.

The case on his bed catches flies open. Making Jacob Kowalski turn around slowly gets up, and sits on his bed, his eyes examining the case.

His eyes widened when the second catch flicked open on its own and started to shake violently. Jacob can hear aggressive animalistic sounds making the man slowly backs away.

Even though his mind was screaming at him not to do it, he slowly but tentatively leans forward. The case lid opens up and before Jacob can react, a bunch of creatures flies out.

A rat like creature with an anemone-style growth on its back, but to Newt it would be called a Murtlap and attach to Jacob's faces. Jacob struggles to hold it.

The case then flies open again with an invisible being shoots out and crashes into the ceiling before smashing through the window. The Murtlap lunges forward at Jacob's neck successfully biting him.

Sending the man crashing through furniture and tumbling to the ground.  The room then starts to shake heavily and the wall holding the picture of the man's grandma behind cracks before exploding, as more creatures start to escape from the case.

As the group of four walked on the sidewalks of the main street on the lower east side, in the afternoon. The two twins look up to see a small blue creator with helicopter-like wings on its head flying high up the street.

They both stopped and looked at each other, both knowing they were close to Mr. Kowalski.

Ariana was about to say something to Tina, who had the Magic or Muggle case.

Though Tina seemed to be distracted and on the verge of tears and stated to the very concentrated man next to her, "I can't believe you didn't Obliviate that man! If there's an inquiry I'm finished!"

The dirty blonde hair male stated, "So why would you be finished? I'm the one that's-"

"I'm not supposed to go near the Second Salemers!"

This time the same creature flies over them and this time the twins aren't the on;y one who notices. New spins around, horrified watching it pass by.

The brunette woman looks at Newt and says, "What was that?" Looking at Newt with a glare.

"Er-moth, I think. Big moth." Newt says, obviously lying towards the three.

Tina finds the simple statement dubious. Newt walks faster making the three pick up their pace and as they round the corner they run into a crowd gathered in front of a crumbling building.

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