Chapter 1.0

469 10 1

The Morning

"Siblings - the definition that comprises

love, strife, competition and forever friends"

-Byron Pulsifer

A girl with brown hair who looked to be fourteen was sleeping peacefully in a twin bed on the left side of the dorm room. Her head faced opposite of the window that was letting the sun get past the white curtains.

The clock on her nightstand read 5:00 a.m. An unknown figure was approaching her bed quietly. The unknown silhouette in a black jacket and simple workout pants reached their hand out to touch the sleeping girl that had stirred gently when he touched her shoulder.

The silhouette had tried again and received a grunt in reply while the girl in the bed pulled her cover over her head.

"Ari, time to wake up," a teenage boy said quietly.

The girl Ariana made no move to get up from her bed and just lay there, pretending not to hear anything. The boy had sighed and walked toward the end of the bed.

He grabbed out the end of her white comforter and tugged on it hard, and successfully ripped the blanket off and let it rest at the edge of her bed. Ariana felt the chills in her dorm room hit her soft warm skin.

She groaned out in discomfort and slowly opened her eyes to see her twin brother standing at the end of the bed with a smirk.

"James? Can't you wake me up like a normal person?"

He just shrugged his shoulders and said, "Now, where's the fun in that?"

Ariana rolled her eyes at him and looked at her clock and groaned,

"Are you kidding me, James? It's 5 a.m. What the hell are you awake this early?"

"I'm awake to make sure you're still alive. Now, that I know you are alive and well. You are going to get up, put some clothes on, and do something productive in your miserable life. "

She stared at him for a while, studying his facial expression, and groaned inwardly, "I'm good but thanks. Plus, I like how my miserable life is going. So give me my blanket so I can go to sleep peacefully," she said dragging out the word.

He smiles sarcastically, "Right, yes I forgot that you like to live in this dark cold cave that we call a room. But  being your brother and the oldest I have to make sure you can talk to us, regular people."

She just sighed in response,
"Just give me some time to sleep, okay?"

James just stands there giving her a stare telling her that he wouldn't give her time to sleep.

    "Fine! Okay, can you leave please?"

He looked at her questioningly and she replied,
"I don't want to fight you in my pajamas, but I mean I can. We both know that I'll win no matter what?"

He laughs is filled with sarcasm, "I liked to see you try, twinkie."

He turns around to walks away after seeing Ariana rolling her eyes at his responses, "Can you close my door, please?"

He just smirks and walks out of the room ignoring her request and leaves to head to the gymnasium.

Ariana had just opened her closet and grabbed the big red jacket that she had stolen from her brother and threw it over her outfit which consists of a green tank top and black gym pants.

She grabbed her phone and her gym bag that was filled with medical gear. She had exited her room and walked down the dark wooded hallway in the boarding school, Johnston Academy for the Magic.

The mansion had felt as though it was streaming energy of comfort, something Ariana had always enjoyed. As she walks towards the gym she passes by, couches, mirrors, tables, plants, rooms, staircase, and pictures of old men and women that had taught, protected and built the institutions for the gifted.

As she entered the large gym, which could fit at least 1000 people in the stands, she saw James in the middle of the court warming up. She set her things down on the bench and headed towards him with a sigh.

It's not like she didn't like fighting, she just didn't like fighting with James. James is very competitive and...well he's just competitive and a sore loser. Ariana loves to spare her free time with James but they always take it too far. One time they almost blew up the gym, when they activated their gifts.

Though they did have to scrub the cafeteria and kitchens for the next few months, they both enjoyed messing around with each other during that time.

She then decided to make her presence know with a simple statement, "You know stretching won't help you beat me."

He just scoffed, got up, and said over confidently, "I don't plan on losing to you this time."

She smirked and said, "Let's do this."

As James' back hit the ground after Ariana swiped his legs from out underneath him, he groaned and I smirked knowing that he was exhausted from our training sessions.

She wipes the sweat on her forehead away with her hand and said, "Let's take a break."

James just groan and said, "Yeah," he takes a deep breath, "just a five-minute break."

She smiled and headed to the bench where all of her stuff was and said, "You lasted longer than our last session."

"Good, I've been trying to get a better grip on training. Ric said that if I can beat you in one-hand combat then I can start elaborating my powers with combat. "

Ariana tensed up when he had said that. She has never been comfortable with using her powers, after the car accident. The only reason why they're at this boarding school is to learn how to control her powers and she has, but Rick claims they still need practice.

She looks at him with discomfort and says, "You think that's a good idea?"

James sighs and mutters under his breath, though Ariana heard him say, "Here we go again."

"What's that supposed to mean, James?"

"It's just that you always do this."

"Do what?"

"Avoiding what we are and what we can do."

"No, I don't-"

"Yes you do, Ariana. You think if you avoid using your powers that they will go away, but they won't."

Ariana said nothing and just looked at him, "I'm proud of you. I mean if Rick thinks you can do it and you do too, then you should go for it."

James just smiles and nodded his head in agreement and then says, "We should go and get ready for our classes today."

Ariana just nodded and picked her stuff up and then leaves saying, "Just so you know, I kicked your ass."

James just laughs loudly and misses the smile that appears on her face.


So I am so sorry that I haven't posted in a long time. The second chapter is so far really long and I am almost done with it. I then realize that I accidentally posted Chapter 1 even though that it was supposed to be posted with Chapter 2, but I just redid it, and I am finishing up with Chapter 2. I will try to get it up before Friday. Have a nice Tuesday!!

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