Chapter 1.4

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Ariana and James both woke up startled hearing the alarms go off in the school. They both get out of their bed quickly and quietly.

Ariana watches James go to the door and opens it up. Ariana could hear screaming, people running, doors shutting, and something that made her heart drop. It was a gunshot.

James shut the door quickly after hearing the gunshot. His heart race faster. When he looked to see his sister, her eyes widened in fear, and her breath became shorter, he walked into their closet and threw her red training bag at her.

As he grabbed his grey bag he said, "Grab anything you think we will need."

Ariana watches as her brother grabs a couple of shirts and pants, throwing them in his bag. God this can't be happening. How is someone in the school? What is attacking the school? Is anyone hurt? What about...

    "Andrea," she whispered and looked at James. James," she said, gaining his attention, "Andrea is still out there," she dropped her bag and ran towards the door.

She was close to opening it until she felt a pair of arms dragging her back, "Let go of me. James, I said let go of me!" She yelled.

"No," struggling to keep his sister in his arms, "I can't let you go out there. You could be killed by whatever is attacking our school. I can't lose you"

James sat her down after she stops struggling and turned her around to face him.

Ariana nodded her head, letting a couple of tears fall, before regaining her breath.

James breathed out a breath of relief, knowing that his sister won't go off on her own. They both were on a mission now.

As they pack things like clothes, money, books, and medical gear Ariana was in her thoughts. James went to his sister's desk to search for anything and he found a book.

An old book and looked at his sister to see her putting on shoes, "Do you need this?"

Ariana looked up and saw the book, she got up, practically grabbing the books out of his hand, "Yeah, this book is Mrs. Throne. She was letting me borrow it for my powers."

"Did you find anything?" He asked curiously to see if she found out more about her unique powers."No, nothing interesting about my powers."

"We should take one of the secret passageways out of here."

"What about Andrea?" Ariana questioned.

James sighed and looked at her, "Text her to see where she is? Make she's somewhere we can get her easily and quietly."

The youngest out of the two grabbed her phone and texted the platinum-blonde hair girl.

    Where are you?

She saw three dots load on her screen, I'm in my dorm room. Do you know what's happening?

Ariana replied, I don't but stay where you are. James and I are going to get you and we are leaving the school. Be packed by the time we get there.

She didn't wait for Andrea to reply and looked at her brother, "She's in her room. We have to go now."

James nodded his head and told her to hold his hand, "Invisibilia," they both were now invisible as well as their stuff. "Make sure you hold my hand because if you don't then you won't be invisible anymore."

Ariana nodded and let James drag her out of the room that she may never see again.

Sybil was watching the Corps of Grim set up camps and equipment. Her phone dings and she sighed knowing that someone was texting her.

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