Chapter 1.1

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A Normal Day

As Ariana got out of the shower and curled her hair and finished getting dressed for the day. She wore her standard black uniform and checked her phone and saw the notifications she got from her best friend, Andrea Amalia Grayson.

Andrea had platinum blonde hair that she inherited from her mother, with blue eyes, and was about 5'5" ft. They had been best friends since they were ten.

They had met in class when Andrea had helped Ariana stop 3 girls that were bullying her. Andrea was known as the most beautiful and nice girl at school.

This was very ironic for Ariana since she was mean to most people besides the people she was close with, and her classmate avoided her because of the type of magic she was born with.

Andrea was warned by many people to stay away from her, but never let the rumors that spread around stop her from befriending her.

Though, Andrea never seemed to care for other people's opinions. She didn't let them dictate who her friends were and what she loved doing with her free time.

Something that Ariana loved about her and wished she was more like her.

Ariana had opened her messages and saw that she had a text message from Andrea that had stated:

    You are coming to dinner with me and Sybil.

Ariana smiled but slightly grimaced at the thought of Sybil and had texted, Sure! Just text me the time, please?

Andrea had responded in a matter of seconds replying with, 8:00, tonight. :)

Ariana grabbed her bag and headed off to her first class of the day, which was Math. Sadly they had to still learn the basic things as normal high schoolers even though they were not human at all.

She headed to class meeting up with James and went to class.

They had gone to three different classes before going to get lunch. She was having an all right day, so far the material her teachers have given her wasn't too hard.

Her first three classes are math, science, and music. They were the easiest classes she has ever dealt with since she had started coming to this school.

The only classes she despised were the ones that had to deal with magic. So that being Applied Creation, Easy Practical Mending, Secondary Applied Chants, and her least favorite, the Study and the Defence of Grim.

She had adjusted her black blazer, sat down at a lunch table outside. She picked at the fruits in her container, thinking about her assignment she turned in last week to her Professor that taught Study and Defence of Grim.

She had to explain her powers and how they can be useful to her in battle and helping people in need. But that was the thing that was so hard to figure out. How was she supposed to find a good way her powers can help people?

Plus she had no intention of using her powers in the future. She didn't even want to be in the Magic World, to begin with.

The only reason why she was at this school was that she wanted to learn control and the fact that James wants to stay here.

She didn't think that they should stay here any longer than necessary. That once they finished this schooling they would leave and go off on their own.

She sighed aggressively and broke her plastic fork and had gained the attention of others in the little patio that she was at. She kept her eyes trained on her broken plastic fork, mad that she had broken another fork.

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